Sunday, December 2, 2012

A Thankful Day - 2012

We had a really nice Thanksgiving week/weekend in Austin.  It was the "Wenning Thanksgiving", so our home base was Mammy and MeDad's but we were all over central Texas for much of the week/weekend.  We had a lovely meal at the Cowden's on Thanksgiving day and I am just so sad we didn't get a group picture.  It was so great watching Caleb and Davis play with their cousins, we wish we were able to do it more often. 
The beautiful table that was set up on the back patio because it was a warm day-Crazy Texas weather
The details on the table
We are thankful for Avery
Luke and Lucy enjoying a cool drink on a warm November day
Caleb jumped on the trampoline ALL day!
The official Tasters of the day-Davis will eat just about anything!
MeDad and Jack throwing the football
Thankfulness Turkeys
Davis learned a few tricks from his cousins to slide down backwards
He slid down again and again
Catching some serious wind
The aftermath of sliding a bit too quick
The Kids Table
Caleb's Turkey
Static Electricity
We made a quick trip to Georgetown to see Julie's family-Always a joy to see them!
Aunt Jen 
Avery got to meet her cousin's Uncle Mike and Aunt Liz on the their other side of the family-but they are like family. 
We have so much to be thankful for and are grateful for all the family and friends that make our lives so rich.  We are grateful for a Sovereign, Merciful, Eternal Father that loves us fully!  Thank you for being a part of our life and our blog!
(We will post more on our week in Austin in the November post coming soon)

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