Monday, December 10, 2012

Avery - 3 months - December 4

Oh our Baby Girl is growing up TOO fast (you are going to hear us say that a lot over the next couple of years).  This month our little girl has changed so much-we are trying to slow down time, capture every moment of these fast months, and soak up every look, sound, smell, and feel.
Avery is now sleeping through the night!!! HALLELUJAH!  We put her to bed at 7 pm and wake her up to start the day around 7:15/7:30 am.  We feel like a new person!  Praise the Lord she is a great sleeper and eater.
Avery coos, giggles, smiles, has found her hands and feet to stare at, loves her play mat, and loves watching her brothers run circles around her. 
Avery also has found her first two fingers (pointer finger and middle finger) to suck.  Unclear if she does it to "soothe" herself or just likes sucking on them.
Her little tummy is developing too, because the last couple of weeks she will go 7+ days before having a bm. (poor thing that I just shared that on here) but she doesn't seem like she is in any discomfort, and that is what the pediatrician said to look for.  
Just LOVE this beautiful dress
Giggles, Coos, and Smiles
Sleeping Through the Night, Oh My!
Happy 3 month Birthday Little Girl! 
We love you so much and get hundreds of kisses from all of us (including your brothers-Davis even took a chunk out of her leg because he got so excited kissing her). 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mama, You do a great job of getting Miss Avery to smile for you. She's really developing a little personality of her own.