Tuesday, March 24, 2009

6 months - March 25!!

It is hard to believe our little man is 6 months old!! We have had yet another busy month. One weekend we headed down to Austin for one of Julie's childhood friend's wedding. Jenna looked absolutely beautiful as she was marrying Hunter. During the Austin trip we saw 23 family members, and we still did not get to see everyone we wanted to. Click here to see some of the fun with family. The next weekend, Craig turned 34 years old and his mom, Mammy, came into help us celebrate and to give us a weekend with our super fun Community Group from church. We went to an amazing lake house and enjoyed the outdoors, the glory of God's creation, and a ton of laughter. Our friends are much better at blogging and capturing the moment than we are. Check out The Shepelwichs and The Smiths for a better recap of the fun-filled weekend. See the below video of the boys,"TT", making their tour of Rock Band. Thanks again Mammy for coming in town to spend the weekend with Caleb!!

We then took a few weekends to catch up from the crazy couple of weeks we had. We changed out light fixtures, planted grass, got a ton of rest and relaxation, watched basketball, and enjoyed the down time. We went to the pediatrician and Caleb is 18 pounds 4 ounces (75%) and 28 3/4 inches long (97%). We are so excited to watch him grow! I LOVE falling in love with Craig over and over again. Watching him with Caleb - how he makes him laugh (a deep down belly laugh), plays with him in creative ways (no, Caleb is not actually drinking from the Sonic cup, but we tried. It is only water), or rolls around on the floor trying to “teach” him to roll, crawl, and sit - I’m reminded of just why I fell in love with this caring, warm, and playful man. Click here to see more fun photos of Caleb's month.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Kidney Update -- Take Two

Update: New Photo
Unfortunately, Caleb is going to have another surgery on Wednesday, April 29th to remove the lower blockage of the ureter where it connects to the bladder. They say this should be an "easier" surgery than the last one but it is still tough to think about the images in our mind of the last surgery. His ureter is measuring about 13 millimeters. (A normal size ureter is about 4-5 millimeters and a megaureter is about 7 millimeters.) Poor Caleb has a "double" megaureter. We feel better prepared for this one because we don't have the fear of the unknown and we have 7 weeks to prepare.

While we were there they weighed him and measured his length. Caleb is a solid 18 pounds and almost 28 inches long.

We have been praying Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Caleb will have quite the story and the scars to show it but ultimately it is God's story He is writing for Caleb's life.