Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Avery - 2 months - November 4

Wow! Can't believe another month has flown by.  We are trying to soak up these precious newborn months before Avery Kate grows out of them. 
She weighs 12 pounds 10 ounces (77%) and is 23 inches long (70%)
Taking pictures is hard work, already asleep!
Avery's rough time last month was between the 7 pm feeding and the 10 pm feeding.  This month, we are happy to say that we lay her down at 7 pm to go to sleep and she stays in bed!  Praise the Lord!  She rarely cries and is such a sweet baby.  She wakes up one time at night, usually around 4 or 5 am.  Not bad for a little one, we can't complain!
Davis is trying to help me take pictures by putting a toy drill in her side! Love Brothers!
She is smiling, cooing, giggling and it just melts our heart!  One thing we noticed was when her eyelashes grew in-a pretty sweet detail that we have loved paying attention to in this little life.
Big smile
"who me, little ole' me?"
This outfit has been worn by a few of her cousins. 
She was not feeling the hat 
Davis snuggling with her 
We are blessed to have this little girl in our life.  Her sweet noises, her laid-back attitude, flexible attitude, great sleeper, super eater, precious little pumpkin!  

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