Thursday, February 26, 2009

5 Months = February 25

WOW!! What a busy month we have had with Caleb and church activities. The past 4 weeks has been jammed packed with rice cereal, grabbing feet, new squeals, lots of laughter, continuing to hold legs up in the air, continuing to look intently at hands, beginning to "play" with toys, baby showers, running lots of errands, dinner parties, a slumber party, a Urinary Tract Infection, and a weekend with Mimi and Papa.

(Of course, the one good picture we took of Caleb during his 18 week photo shoot- the sign was backwards. Ignore the 19 weeks- it should be 18 weeks.)

Yes, we did say UTI- poor little guy had 104 degree fever and was miserable for about 24 hours. We don't know if this has any connection with his kidney issues. We should know more in a little over a week when we visit our urologist. And yes, we did say a weekend with Mimi and Papa. Our church had their big Student Ministry event called DTown. We stayed with our energetic eighth graders all weekend and left Caleb with Julie's Parents. It was a blast but it was so tough to be away from the little guy. Thank you Mimi and Papa for keeping our little man!!

Daddy is so good at making Caleb laugh and is just so precious how much a 5 month old just adores his Daddy. The ladies in the church nursery call Caleb "Mr. Smiley" because he always has a grin from ear to ear even when he is fussy or tired. Sometimes people don't know if he is laughing or crying.

We love the way our stress just melts whenever Caleb gives us one of those heartfelt giggles that sound like they are coming from the bottom of his feet!

Too see more pictures of Caleb this month, click here.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Face

As you can tell, our blog has a new face. Our good friends David and Alli Penuel have this great business called Loudmouth Logos, where they create these awesome blog backgrounds. Thanks for giving us a face lift and a great new look to the White Wennings. (Since we are oh, so white!)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Best Present Ever! - February 7

This video just melts my heart and brings me so much joy!! This is the best birthday present my boys could ever give me--the gift of laughter! Psalm 126:2

But, Daddy had other plans in mind when he made a yummy breakfast, lunch, and took me out to a special dinner and performance at the Eisemann Center. Craig served me well and allowed me to enjoy my 28th birthday. (Side note...Craig and I have now known eachother for a fourth of my life- WOW!! We met on February 8, 2002 on a cold night in Las Vegas.)