Sunday, October 26, 2008

Week 4 = 1 month!! October 25

What a month to rejoice! Our little guy is growing so much these days (as he should if he is eating every 2 1/2 - 3 hours including the night). He is a whopping 11 pounds 3 ounces and is 23 1/4 inches long. (75% in both) We went to the cardiologist to have his heart murmur checked out. Turns out he has two small holes. One between the right and left ventricle and one between the right and left atrium. The doctor said that this should correct itself by the time Caleb is 7 years of age if not sooner. We will return in 6 months for another exam. Caleb did so well as he was wired to machines, cords, sticky things, and during the EKG. Pretty amazing how educational it was for us! Caleb is a normal baby and will grow to be normal little boy. He can do anything and everything that any other child can do. We would appreciate your prayers for healing for the two holes to heal as his heart grows.

We just adore looking at Caleb and discovering things he’s inherited from each of us. Whether it is Craig's his shape of his eyes, his expressions, his lips or from Julie- the round shape of her face, or her blue eyes (for now). It’s amazing to see in him a miniature version of the two of us and look forward to seeing him grow and change into his own little person or little versions of us.

Friday, October 24, 2008



Our sweet, pregnant friend Amy tagged us in her blog, asking for us to list seven random facts about ourself, so here it goes:

* Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
* Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
* Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1) Craig and Julie met in Las Vegas on February 8, 2002 at a club called The Light in the Belagio. It is a long story, if you ever want to hear it.

2) Julie flew in a plane for the first time when she was 16. Her drill team took a trip to Disney Land. The highlight of the trip was the plane ride!! Ever since, she met Craig in '02 and living long distance, she has not stopped traveling. When Julie was in 8th grade her geography teacher asked where we would want to travel. Julie so badly wanted to fly on a plane, that she said, "I just want to get on a plane and fly all around the world and not stop."

3) Speaking of traveling...Craig and Julie backpacked around Europe in 35 days. We went to 30 cities, 7 countries, and had an amazing experience. Went to Thailand for a month for our honeymoon and traveled around Syndey, Australia and the southern island of New Zealand for two weeks last year. What amazing experiences!!

4) Julie is afraid of car accidents. (Carspashaphobia) She was in a few fender benders about 10 years ago (when she was a young, immature driver) but can see and hear accidents happening in her mind while she is driving. Julie prays everytime she starts her car for the Lord to protect her while she is driving, especially now with precious cargo in the car with her.

5) Julie has had a variety of jobs during her life. 1) selling fireworks every 4th of July and New Years with her family from the age of 9-14 2) janitorial service at her parent's office with her sister and brother ages 11-18 3) lifeguard during the summer at Balcones Country Club 4) hostess during the winter at the same country club during high school 5) pre-drill team teacher at a private school 6) assistant dance teacher 7) bev-cart girl at Falcon Head Golf Course 8)d onating plasma-so it's not a job but Julie got paid for it 9) babysitting 10) secretarial work at TABC 11) 4th grade teacher at Purple Sage Elementary School 12) 3rd grade teacher at Landels Elementary School in Mountain View, California 13) 1st grade teacher at Skaggs Elementary School in Plano 14)4 th grade Math teacher at Skaggs Elementary 15) Class 2 teacher at West Dallas Community School and finally...16) being Caleb's Mommy- the BEST job in the whole wide world!!!

6) Anytime Julie takes a shower in a different or unfamiliar place (like a hotel) she always lifts her toes up and only stands on the ball of her feet. Nor, does she ever, ever touch the drain of a shower. It is strange and unusual but you asked for random facts.

7) Julie loves anything with chocolate and peanuts/peanut butter together. What a great combination. Mr. Goodbars, Reese's, Peanut Butter M&M's, MMMMM....good! Also, with Halloween in the air. Candy Corn and Salted Peanuts are a great combination. Yummy!!

Since it took me so long to publish this post, I am not sure if the friends below have already been tagged. So here I go...I tagging:

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Week 3- October 16

Caleb's third week was fun but pretty uneventful. Except for the new challenges of gas. Hopefully, Craig did not "pass" on the inheritance of his gas to our son. Like father like son!! Sweet Caleb seems to be sleeping through his loud grunts, curling his legs up to his chest, and outcries. Wish we could say Mommy and Daddy are sleeping through it too! This too shall pass and hopefully it is just a growth spurt that he will soon out grow.

We can't believe how quickly our little one has grown. He is more alert, keeps his eyes open more (unfortunately he does not like the flash of cameras- so we have a hard time capturing his sapphire blue eyes.)

We also had fun taking pictures of Caleb while Texas was refusing to lose in the battle against OU. WOW! What a game 45-35 - Hook'Em Horns!!!

The happy grandparent's- Mammy and MeDad

Remember to keep looking at all of Caleb's week 3 pictures on Picasa (YEAH for ME! I figured out how to make a link- Caryn are you proud! Her blog is so cool- what an inspiration!)

OR you can just look at this cool slide show I just figured out how to use- I know, slide shows were so yesterday but I am slow at this blogging thing.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Just the Two of Us- October 14

As you can tell from the funny picture- we are not looking like ourselves. No, being sleep deprived did not change our image, nor did we try to dress up like the waiters and waitresses at Magic Time Machine. We had a great laugh receiving this picture and continue to laugh- as it just looks so hilarious!! Craig looks like a crazy hippie and Julie well, enough said! Let's hope Caleb did not inherit all of these traits and end up looking like one of us in the picture.

Let us tell you about the night...After almost 3 beautiful weeks, we were ready for a date night. While Craig's mom was in town, she allowed us to have a night to ourselves. Funny we choose to have dinner at Magic Time Machine (neither of us had been there in many, many years). FYI- it was not quite as fun as we remembered it but we definitely had some laughs and enjoyed the wonderful time with just the two of us! Thanks Mammy for giving us the gift of time, babysitting, and a great meal!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Week 2- October 9

Here we are 2 weeks in and still loving having this precious little life in our arms! We not only feel so blessed to have the joy and honor to raise Caleb but we are overwhelmed by the love and support we are receiving from friends and family. It has been amazing to see so many people gather around us during this wonderful time of our life. The grandparents have blessed us by coming and staying for weeks at a time to cook, clean, and love their grandchild as if it were the only one. (This is Julie's parent's 4th grandchild and Craig's parent's 7th grandchild) Friends have blessed us with providing delicious meals- we never knew how great this would be until it is 7:00 pm and we are finally thinking about ourselves and wondering what to eat. Family has blessed us by driving long distances and making it a truly special day to spend with the newest addition to the family. We thank God everyday for each and everyone of you in our lives! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

We also wanted to update you on Caleb's first real doctor's appointment. Thankfully, Caleb has gained 1 whole pound since birth. He now weighs a whopping 9 pounds 8.5 ounces and is an inch longer (21 3/4 inches long). The Doc says everything looks great. Caleb is a very "laid back" baby. We need to go see a cardiologist because the doctor heard a heart murmur. He said it is probably nothing and will correct itself in 6 months. Please be praying for Caleb little heart and his kidney.

Don't forget to look at all of Caleb's Week 2 photos at (I tried to make this a link but it didn't work- any of you bloggers out there want to lend a hand)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Week 1- A Whole Lot of Firsts- October 2

Now that Caleb is 1 week old, we celebrate all the firsts that we have laughed at, cried over, and been filled with joy. We know there will be plenty more firsts to come but this list all starts at the hospital...
-Caleb's first time out of his hospital shirt
-Caleb's first time in his car seat
-Caleb's first time in the car (and Caleb's first time on scary Highway 75- we never realized how bad drivers are in Dallas are until you have precious cargo in your car.)
-Caleb's first time in his big bed
-Caleb's first visitor's at home
-Caleb's first bath
-Caleb's first poopy on Daddy
-Caleb's first walk in his stroller
-Caleb's first sprinkler all over himself
-Caleb's first smile
-Caleb's first fussy night
-Caleb's first time to open his eyes
-Caleb's first time to keep his eyes open for more than a second
-Caleb's first time to meet his cousin's (Thanks Garcia's for driving up for 1 day and Geez's stopping by to see us)
-Caleb's first trip to Target
-Caleb's first surprise Baby Shower
-Caleb's first to make precious purring noises when he sleeps (See the below video- we know you can't see him but just listen to the sweet noise)
-Caleb's first sweet time with Daddy, Mimi, and Papa
-Caleb's first gassy tummy
-Caleb's first time to run errands
-Caleb's first week of a TON of prayers, hugs, kisses, and oh so, special moments!!

Kidney Update

On Friday, September 26 Caleb had his first kidney check up. Poor little guy had a catheter and a sonogram for this test. To provide some brief history, early on in the pregnancy both of his kidneys were dilated more than they should have been, so we started doing Level 2 sonograms to track them. About half way into the pregnancy the left kidney shrank to normal size, but the right kidney stayed dilated. We’ve been tracking it through the pregnancy and after doing some tests after birth, we know more of the situation.

Caleb has a condition called Hydronephrosis (More information: Basically, in lay terms this is a dilated (or swollen) kidney resulting from there being a blockage between the kidney and the bladder. Left untreated, the kidney would continue to swell over time and Caleb would have some tough times with his kidney as he gets older. After looking at Caleb’s sonogram, the doctor believes that he’ll probably require surgery at around 6-8 months to remove the obstruction to get things flowing well again. We’ll have another sonogram November 10 and based on how the kidney has changed since birth, we’ll know if this has healed on its own or if he’ll require surgery.

We trust God completely with this, but it certainly is hard to hear the word surgery and Caleb together – that makes it feel real. Our prayer is for the right kidney to miraculously heal on its own or for the Lord to give us peace, trust, patience, and contentment if God’s plan is for Caleb to have surgery or continued kidney problems. Likely, the surgery would take care of the problem for good but we don’t know the story God is writing for Caleb. Just wanted to pass on these updates as we would love you to join us in praying for our little guy.

A Joyous Day- September 25, 2008 at 2:16

We are proud to announce Caleb James Wenning!! It was such a fun day and we feel so blessed to be trusted by God to raise this adorable child!! The whole process began at about 1:00 a.m. (if you ever want to know what it is like to have your water break Julie will tell you but we will spare the details on the blog). We were at the hospital by 2:00 a.m. and hooked up to all the machines by 3:00 a.m. Mimi and Papa (Julie's parents in Austin) were on their way shortly there after. We tried to get some rest between contractions but it was all too exciting. Julie made it through some bad contractions between 9:00 a.m and 11:00 a.m. and got the epidural. The doctor was supposed to come during her lunch break to check but never made it. About 1:30 p.m. the amazing nurse, Melissa, checked about 1:30 p.m. and was shocked to see the head. By 1:45 p.m. Julie was doing some "practice" pushes while waiting for the doctor. Three practice pushes later - the little guy was ready to join the world but we had to wait for the doctor. Twenty minutes passed and the doctor suited up and it was "GO" time! Julie pushed half of a contraction and boomed Caleb was out at 2:16 p.m.

He weighed 8 pounds 8 ounces and was 20.5 inches long. He is absolutely precious!! Everyone is very shocked of his big size, big feet and hands, and his head full of dark hair (Craig was a blonde and Julie was strawberry blonde). We are all curious to see what will happen to his hair in the months to come.

It was a GREAT day with GREAT new beginnings!! Thanks for all your prayers for a safe and easy delivery!

The happy grandparent's- Mimi and Papa