Tuesday, December 4, 2012

November 2012

A Beautiful Month of Great Weather, Fun Fall Activities, Football on TV, Family Time, and Memories made!  Another month has flown by and what a great month it was.  Davis is almost 2 and will be here soon. 
Our month began with Mammy coming in town.  Caleb, Daddy and Mammy built this cool Ferris wheel out of Tinker Toys, since Caleb had such a fun experience on a real one last month.
Thanks Mammy for coming into town, it is always a joy to have you around.
Caleb wanted to wash Mommy's car-they all were soaking wet by the end of it
There were too many good ones to pick just one, so a collage it is of Davis having fun spraying
Daddy is such a good sport!
As you can tell, I too got wet.  Was not too happy about the camera getting wet but a great picture and the camera was fine.  Davis' face is a classic, "I Want" Tantrum of an almost 2 year old!
Playing football
Great Action Shots
I think this one just barely missed me
Davis is getting really REALLY opinionated about his clothes and often looks like this (or is wearing no clothes on at all - just a diaper)
A play date with Katrina and her kiddos
A Tearful Look-got to capture these hard moments because I know they won't last long (or praying they won't and want to cherish them)
And a gummy grin
Avery has discovered her tongue and she looks like this A LOT
Avery has a new play mat and the boys love to play with it too
Avery asleep with her arm up
Caleb got a great hair cut at Snip-Its and had fun claiming his prize
Sweet Braysen had his 3rd birthday at Pump It Up and it was a BLAST!
Caleb and the birthday boy!
All grins
and more
Caroline had a Princess Birthday Party for her 4th birthday in her backyard and Caleb felt it was only necessary to dress up as "Prince Charming" but it was too hot for his white button down shirt.
Little Miss Avery Kate on her first of many 11 hours 25 minutes of sleeping through the night.  Praise the Lord-we are all a new person!  She is a great little sleeper and has continued through vacation to sleep from 7 pm to 7 am!! Yeah!!
Caleb was playing outside and found a giant limb on the ground, he picked it up and said, "I'm going to help Daddy." And he proceeded to carry it out to the ally.  Such a big boy!
Davis found his lotion and lathered up his body and hair!
Caleb walking with his class and obeying his teachers rules of holding his bubble in his mouth and that he did! 
Caleb's school at their Thanksgiving Program! He did such a great job and was so excited to show us his surprise of being a Turkey.  Caleb is the tall one in the white shirt between the Y and the T. His class sang, "The Turkey Pokey", "Apples and Bananas", their memory verse Galatians 5:22-23.
In the below picture, Caleb is in the front row, in a white shirt, just to the right of the Y in Happy.   This year, Caleb is going to school on Tuesday and Thursday.  On Thursday, he gets to go to Spanish, so all the students also sang, "Jesus Loves Me" and recited Proverbs 3:5 in Spanish.  They whole school got up and sang "If You're Thankful" and a jamming song of "Awesome God!" We are thankful for a great school that he goes to!
Avery getting some Daddy time in Austin
Avery met her Auntie Meg for the first time.  Megan and Julie were best friends in high school and beyond.
Avery had so much fun, she fell asleep
Some Mimi time
We went to visit Julie's 92 year old Grandmother
Great Mimi's 7th Great Grandchild!

Some cute snuggly pictures on Great Mimi's bed
Avery meeting Uncle Willie
Some fun playtime at Mammy and MeDad's house (and yes - Davis is wearing a diaper in this photo)
That is our whirlwind of our November with our growing and fun-loving kids. 

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