Friday, June 29, 2012

Family Portrait May 2012

Back in May, we used a Group On Deal and took some family pictures at a park in Highland Park.
This pictures makes us laugh every time we look at it because the boys did not plan to both touch their faces at the same time.  Too funny how similar these two are (yet how different)!!  It was a fun hour and we love capturing each of their little ages/stages--especially how difficult it is to have a non-moving, posed picture of Davis .  

Here is the link to the rest of the 100+ pictures, feel free to peruse at your leisure. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Father's Day 2012

We had a great weekend celebrating and spoiling Daddy!  We made all of Daddy's favorite foods, had a ton of quality family time playing around the house, and let Daddy rest/watch golf.  
A quick picture after church-3 Silly Monkeys

Here is our Second Annual "DAD" picture for his office
It was much harder than I had imagined but we were able to make something work.  The "A" shot was really hard to take with Davis running around. (notice--the boys have matching clothes for once-Thanks Geez's for the hand-me downs that fit our boys at this age).
Here are the outtakes that didn't make the frame:
Had to bribe Davis with a Hammer on the back fence 
We love you Daddy and are grateful for all you do each and every day!  You truly are the best!
Happy Father's Day Papa and MeDad!  

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Austin Baby Shower - June 5, 2012

While in Austin (on the evening of my car getting broken into) my dear sweet friends Lori and Megan threw a wonderful Baby Shower to bless us and our little girl, and blessed we were!  They had the shower on Tuesday evening at Riverplace Country Club (where Megan is the Director of Catering!)  
The beautiful Hostesses and me
My momma 
My sweet sister 
2 of my nieces came to "ooohh and aahhh" over the adorable girl clothes.  They were so sweet and great addition to the party. 
One of my sweet Sister-in-laws
The incredibly yummy sweet table  
These beautiful cake balls were amazing! Thanks for the hard work on them.
The pretty centerpieces 
Yummy Food!
Lori, her sweet momma, and Lori's precious baby girl, Ava, that will be about a year ahead of our little girl-I am sure she will be a great role model to our daughter 
Just love these two! 
And these two-Auntie Meg and Ava 
My mother-in-love and Mrs. Clark, a best friend of my mom (Sad, I didn't get a picture with these two)
Mrs. Jones and Alissa, great friends from Middle School and High School 
The room and friends 
Sweet Amy, is the mom of one of Craig's Small Group guys-they moved to Austin a few years ago.  She has been a great mentor in my life the last 6 years! 
Mrs. Frolow, my mom, and Katherine
Katherine was my little sister in ADPi
Such a great friend, Alissa
I wish I had a video of these two girls that were at my side-just soaking in each precious little girl gift 
Love these tiny little shoes
This little girl is going to be so well dressed 
Auntie Meg gave our little girl a "My Aunt Is HOT and Single" bib--too cute! 
This was such a fun Baby Shower and appreciate all the loved ones being there on a Tuesday night to accommodate my short time in Austin.  I felt so blessed and am grateful for Megan and Lori's generosity in throwing a fun shower (they are two amazing party planners!)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Caleb's Week of Swimming - Austin 2012

The main reason we spent a week in Austin was for Caleb to go through his second summer of lessons with Ms. Pam.  He has been so excited and talking about it for months.  Caleb did so great and is now swimming and trying to look to the right to get used to taking a breathe.  He was so brave, courageous, and did great for one of the youngest in the class.  
Here is a picture of Caleb the first day-pure joy and excitement (didn't get a picture of the few tears shed the first couple of days) but by Wednesday he was a "Pro"!!!
Waiting his turn and watching the other kids 
Using his big arms to swim to the ladder 
Floating on his back and eventually swimming on his back (this is a tough lesson for them) 
Almost there...
Success--he made it to the ladder
The kids waiting to jump into the deep end 
Caleb did an excellent job and had NO fear jumping in the deep end, turning around and swimming back to the side.  WOW-he could not have done that a few days ago.  So proud of how far he has come in a short week! 
Practicing breathing while "looking" to one side - pretty cute to watch
Doing SO well! 
Caleb and his #1 fan!! Davis did great during the hour lesson 
Thanks to Papa for entertaining, walking him around, taking him to the park next door, feeding him snacks, keeping him cool, and teaching him how to say "pa-pa".  Thanks Dad for all you did to help me out so that I could focus on Caleb! As always, couldn't have done it without you 
Davis is in his fun "Papa Shirt" 
Mammy came on Friday to cheer Caleb on and also helped with Davis SO much! Thanks Mammy for taking the time, it meant a lot to Caleb that you were there for him. (Mimi came on Monday but didn't get a picture)
Ms. Pam is a great swim teacher, she is firm when the kids want to quit, she is encouraging when they succeed, she is helpful in keeping them focused. What a great week of swimming-Great Job Caleb! We are so proud of you! (Now, if we can just keep practicing this summer and not loose all the work we did, but it is tough to get to the community pool these days).
On a sad note, Tuesday during swim lessons (the day I had to drag Caleb kicking and screaming into swim lessons--yes, I was that mom!) my car was broken into and my purse was stolen!!!!  So SO Sad!!! 
They broke into the very tinted windows using a crow bar, somehow climbed over Davis' huge car seat, and managed to get my purse that was between the boys seats (I have no idea how they saw it other than, when I was dragging Caleb out of the car).  I am still baffled but have learned a HUGE lesson---to not leave my purse in the car (or valuables for that matter).   
The Crime Scene Investigator came out an hour later to see if there were any finger prints. (we should know something in a short 2 or 3 months-lovely!)
I can't thank Craig, my dad, and my mom enough!!! First, my dad was there helping with Davis and knew exactly what to do. Secondly, Craig immediately cancelled credit cards, dealt with insurance, dealt with SO many details, and was one step ahead of me ready to tell me what to do next.  (In that short hour of swim class, they broke in and managed to use my credit cards at 4-5 convenient stores.)   
My car was in the shop getting the window repaired for 2 days, which put a damper on a few of our plans but that was the least of our worries.  
Caleb was so sweet while waiting in the hot sun for the police to come... 
Davis also did incredibly well, despite it being nap time and him not understanding what exactly was going on.  He just wanted to do everything Caleb did. 
The Lord really did provide in some strange ways, we had a booster seat in the back of my car from when I was in Colorado Springs and the grandparents were trading off the kids.  It just gave them a few more options and fortunately were able to use it because Davis' car seat was covered in glass.  Here are the boys in my dad's car (thanks mom for coming to pick us up) and Davis LOVED LOVED LOVED facing forward.  He squealed the whole way home! (Someday, Buddy, when you are big enough we will face you forward again).  

So, all that being said, it still was a great week in Austin but the whole car situations was not fun at all.  Thanks again to so many people helping me out during that tough time! I am truly blessed to have such wonderful people in my life.