Thursday, April 30, 2009

Home from the Hospital

We are pleased to announce that we got released from the hospital late this afternoon and we are now at home with our little guy. We appreciate everyone's prayers as Caleb became pain free about 3am, which was great. We got a few hours of sleep at the hospital which was more than we expected. Caleb had a relatively pain free day and began to get his smile/laughter back. The highlight of the day was the wagon ride where we wheeled him around the hospital as he screeched with laughter. At the end of the ride, he got a little sleepy from all the fun. After he proved he could urinate on his own without the catheter, we were released from the hospital. All is well at home but we could use some prayer for Caleb's feeding. He's not eating very much so we pray the Lord returns his appetite for his sake and Julie's. We appreciate all the prayers and encouragement we have received - we feel blessed by our awesome friends and family. Below are the photos from today...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Preliminary Surgery Results from Dr. Strand

We talked to our doctor tonight and here's the scoop on the surgery. We've got two pieces of good news and two pieces of bad news. The good news is that Dr. Strand was able to taper Caleb's right ureter and he thinks that he has taken care of the problem on the right side. Coupled with his right kidney surgery back in December, the right side should be good to go. Time will tell through ultrasounds (over the next month, 6 months, year) if the pressure on his kidney is reduced and the right kidney shrinks in size. The other good news is that his left ureter was in good shape and didn't need any surgery. The bad news (which really isn't that bad) is that Caleb will need a day surgery in 6 weeks to remove the unexpected stint that Dr. Strand had to use as part of the tapered right ureter. The other bad news (which again is not the bad) is that Caleb's left kidney is shaped a bit odd which we'll need to keep an eye on. His left kidney and ureter appear to be functioning just fine, but his plumbing looks a little different so Dr. Strand wants to make sure over time this doesn't present a problem. To summarize, the four big learnings from today are: 1) we think the procedure was effective, 2) over the next few months we'll know how effective they were, 3) we'll need to do a follow-up day surgery, and 4) we'll need to track his left kidney more than we historically have.

Caleb is recovering well but is in a bit more pain than the last surgery so he is on morphine. We'd appreciate you praying that Caleb is able to comfortably go off the morphine tomorrow and his pain subsides.

Tonight we hope to get some sleep at the hospital, but it will likely be a long night. Lord willing, we'll be released tomorrow from the hospital but that depends on Caleb's pain level.

Below is a picture from a few minutes ago. We caught him during a good moment when he managed a little smile...

Caleb is Out of Surgery

Caleb is out of his surgery and is now recovering up in his room. We spent about 30 minutes in the recovery room as he was coming to (see photos below). He was and still is pretty groggy, but hopefully he'll wake up a little more after he eats. It is hard to see your little angel look so lifeless and sickly after surgery, but we know he'll be back to his ole' giggly self soon. Since the surgery went a couple hours longer than expected, our doctor had to run to a different part of the operating room so we haven't heard how it went. More details to come once we know more, but we love being able to hold him and see that he's still the sweet little guy we love unconditionally. We've gotten tons of emails, texts, and phone calls and are grateful for everyone's prayers. We'll be here overnight at Med City and hopefully will get released tomorrow - depending on how Caleb recovers...

Waiting, Watching, and Welaxing

It looks like the surgery will take a little longer than expected. We just got a call from the operating room - the surgeon will need to taper Caleb's right ureter because it didn't contract on its own when it was cut. So, we'll see how the left ureter procedure goes (if it is necessary), but odds are he'll be in surgery an extra hour or so. Amazing what they can do on the fly during surgery - all through a one inch incision.

Visitors & Technology

We have been blessed by visitors this morning which really helps pass the time. Mo Sadjadpour was kind enough to bring us manna (aka Chick-Fil-A) and Stacie Hurst came by to support us. Medical City has a really cool system they use to provide updates on how the surgery is going (see picture below showing the knife representing that he is in surgery). Like a flight status board, it shows where the surgery is in process. We look forward to seeing the band-aid icon which means he is getting stiched back up. Is Craig a dork that he notices the efficient use of technology to reduce anxiety for parents and lower costs for the hospital by reducing staff? (don't answer that...)

The Day Begins

We got an early start this morning at 5am, which does a body good. We have entrusted our little guy to the Lord as we await the surgery to be completed. As we type this, he is probably getting his anaesthesia. Here are a few photos from the check-in process this morning. We're hanging in the waiting room, praying, and chatting with some folks from Nebraska who have been staying at the Embassy Suites for the last two weeks while their son has a cleft pallet surgery. Hearing their story is a good reminder for how gracious God has been to us.

Monday, April 13, 2009

7 months - April 25

What a fun and busy month!! Let's start with some amazing news...we went to the Cardiologist for a 6 month check up and to get clearance for his surgery. Praise the Lord that the 2 holes in Caleb's heart have completely healed. He did so well but was much more alert and wanted to help the technician with their wires, the ultrasound, and the sticky things. Caleb's big blue eyes, huge smile, and "curly" hair was a hit among all the nurses!

While we were at the Cardiologist, Caleb weighed in at 19 pounds 5 ounces. We started out the month with a Mommy/Son trip to Austin. Julie and Caleb took a road trip down I-35 for 5 days and visited many friends and family that they don't often see during their whirlwind weekend trips. Thank you everyone for accommodating our crazy schedule and being flexible with our limited time. Caleb's cousin, TJ, turned four and Julie's sister threw an amazing Speed Racer Party!! It is a great reminder of how truly blessed we are to be surrounded by so many loved ones! We miss you all and can't wait for our next Austin trip. (But it was incredibly hard to be away from Craig for that long.) See the slideshow below for more pictures.

The rest of our month was filled with numerous activities like, a visit to Julie's school she taught at last year, West Dallas Community School (Caleb was dressed in his "uniform" ready for school). A Day at the Arboretum with our Play Group, plenty of Easter pictures, Bible Studies, lunches with friends, Sip and Sees, and lots of hang time with Daddy.

This month we have really seen Caleb develop in his hand-eye coordination. He now grabs for anything and everything, has to taste everything in order to truly "see" it, he is sitting by himself so much better, and is even beginning to roll a little. Caleb got his first two teeth and is enjoying LOTS of cereal and vegetables!! It is just so funny to watch him grab everything. We are not sure we are ready for the next stage...the Baby Proof Stage!

We love the way our worries just melt away whenever we hold Caleb in our arms and he looks at us with such intent. We sit around staring at him and wonder what he is thinking.

Please be praying for Caleb's Ureteral Re-Implant surgery on Wednesday, April 29. Pray specifically for the surgeon's to have steady hands, the anesthesiologist to administer the surgery well, for Caleb's ureter to take to the bladder with ease, for us to feel the Lord's comfort, and for Caleb to recover quickly and painlessly. (We will keep the blog updated as soon as we get home from the hospital).

Sorry for the abundance of pictures we had such a fun month capturing his little personality. Please see the slideshow below for a better view into Caleb's month!

Caleb and Daddy have matching pajamas (brown shirts and crazy striped pants)

A little slideshow of Caleb's fun month

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Our Redeemer Lives

On this Easter Sunday, we pray for each of you to know and have an intimate relationship with our Lord and Savior. "Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe, sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow." - song written by Elvina M. Hall in 1865 from Isaiah 1:18.

"Therefore Jesus is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always LIVES to intercede for them." Hebrews 7:25

Have a blessed Easter, knowing Jesus is Risen and He Lives!!