Thursday, June 7, 2012

May 2012

May was a busy month, completing all of our activities for the summer.  It was a quick month but some really sweet moments, memories, and fun times as a family.  

Caleb had a Dads and Donut Day before school and he thought it was pretty special having his Daddy at school with him (not to mention he ate a few donuts). 
Then Caleb and his friends performed a little something and he was so happy
Davis loves shoes, any shoes, and his brother's shoes are perfect
Having a snack after bath
Trying to capture the beautiful flowers that we planted last year before they withered in the heat
Mia and Maggie came over to play to so that their very pregnant mommy had some time for herself. They were such sweet girls that played so well with our boys.
Davis had his 3rd ear infection--poor guy!  It was a rough couple of weeks that he didn't quite bounce back like he had in the past.  His blanket was close by and always with us.  Davis is also like clock-work and will grab his blanket and lay down when it is getting close to nap time or bed.  
Daddy's shoes now
Helmet's at Sports Authority
Sweet boys in Jammies
Any one else had this happen to them?  We are working on Caleb putting his clothes in the laundry room in the morning and this is what happened...A pull up was stuck in some pajamas and I washed it.  These lovely beads/gel was caked on an entire load of laundry, in the washing machine, the explosion was everywhere.  Such fun!!!
We had a special picnic lunch at the park after school one day!
Caleb LOVES riding his bike in the driveway
Davis also loves sunglasses
A sweet friend from college got married and we had back to back date nights with the rehearsal dinner one day and the wedding the next!  Fun times!
The beautiful bride, Reese, and her husband Chris
Reese had some great table decorations of painted animals, this was our favorite.  Kristin and Tieken with The Golden Lion!! Which Caleb and Davis LOVE playing with.
Davis having fun with masks
The 3rd weekend in May, Julie's playgroup had a Mom's Night Out!  Thanks to super Daddy for keeping the boys for a night and half of Saturday.  These sweet girls have been a big part of my Mommyhood!!
Our last MOPS they gave these sweet pictures to us of our kiddos.
Caleb LOVES taking pictures and took this wonderful picture of Davis at his worst during his ear infection. He is crying, I am trying to get medicine down him fast, and frantically trying to soothe him.  Poor Guy!
After bath mohawks!
Davis and Daddy putting heads together for Caleb to take a picture
We had a wonderful Mother's Day!!! My husband and kiddos blessed me all day long.  I slept in, had breakfast tacos for breakfast before church, our traditional hamburger/milkshake lunch, and Craig picked up Pei Wei for me while I was at Shoreline with my girls.  Craig and Caleb washed and detailed my car, cleaned the house, and did many other chores around the house!  How grateful I am to be a Mother in this wonderful family!
Daddy was a trooper and let Caleb spray him with COLD water when they were done.
A few photos of Davis while Caleb was at school.  Davis found an empty bottle of soap and was "squirting" it and rubbing his hands together.
Getting close to rest time
"Ahhhh...Peek A Boo!"
Trying to grab the camera-love those baby blues!
Davis loves slapping the wall and then looking at me with the expression of, "Ouch, that hurt!" Silly Boy!
Caleb finished his last day of his first year of Preschool--His sweet class, Chocolate Chips
There was an End of Year Program at Caleb's school--Caleb is in the middle, blue shirt, with his hands in his pockets
They sang and recited: The Hello Song, 
Up and Down the Music Ladder, 
Old MacDonald, 
Memory Verse - Psalm 106:1-3
Here is the whole preschool singing some songs in Spanish (Caleb doesn't go to school on Spanish day-so he sang parts of it).  
It really is precious to see these kiddos sing and recite, perform and show their talents
Davis didn't sit well during the graduation part of the program so we found a ball in the hallway.
Cake and Punch at the reception after the program
Davis has also LOVED hats this month and loves putting them on and taking them off anyone who is wearing one.
Having fun with hats and jumping on the couch
Precious Boys on Piggy Back rides
Sleeping Bag Rides with sunglasses and Pirate Outfits
One Saturday in May, we had 2 birthday parties and a graduation party--we were party hopping!  Davis and Caleb had a ball at Blake's Graduation Party (one of Craig's Small Group guys graduated early).  Cassie (one of Julie's Small Group girl's cousins) was at the party and was wonderful entertainment for the boys. Davis says "Bal-Bal" to EVERYTHING and loves balloons!
Here they are running some more with another cousin.
Caleb had SO much fun at Jack Miller's Pirate Birthday Party.  Ms. Lisa and Mr. Clint did an incredible job from the invitation that Caleb carried around for weeks, to the Peter Pan hats, to the fabric swords, to all the activities that engaged the kids the whole time!
"Arrrr....Onward Ho!"
Pregnant Julie with a her Small Group girls hands on the little (growing) girl
Caleb had his last day of his First Year of School!  Here he is with the wonderful and very talented Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Mayfield!  Caleb had a super year, grew leaps and bounds, and is excited for school next year!
Here is a picture from the beginning of the year to show Caleb's growth.
Stay posted we have already had a busy end of May and beginning of June. Looking forward to a slower next couple of weeks in June.  

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