Friday, October 5, 2012

September 2012

What a month! It was fun looking back over these pictures seeing all that we have done, all the visitors we have had, and the special life changes.  We started the month out with Mammy coming in town to give us a hand before the little one was born.  Julie was able to have a couple of doctor appointments, check some things off her to do list, and have a special last date night!
Mammy was kind and brought the boys a new red wagon-which they love!
The Cowdens passed down their sleeping bags and these things are endless hours of entertainment.  Caleb and Mammy reading on the sleeping bags.
The boys LOVED introducing Mammy to our version of a snowball fight (with cotton balls) a fun way to spend to pass time when it gots HOT outside.
Our special date night to Neighborhood Services! Yum! Thanks Mammy!
Our last family of four picture
Beautiful flowers that brightened our home-Thanks Mammy!
The boys playing outside-love the action shot of Caleb knocking the ball across the yard
Hard at work!
Silly Boy
Mimi and Papa came in Labor Day weekend to hang around--just in case we went into labor at any moment.  It was nice to have some extra hands to help!
Mimi went to Savannah, Georgia and brought the boys some treats.  This little pirate was so excited!
Thanks Mimi for the fun treat!
Papa wanted to dress up too! Arrrrr!
Caleb then had to dress up and watch a Veggie Tales show, "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything"
Davis came up real close and gave me this look as he said "Ch" (I guess that is his Cheese)
Caleb had meet the teacher at school the morning our water broke.  Thanks Mimi for taking him to meet his teachers and not skipping a beat!  Since we were in the hospital one day, we were able to home to take Caleb's annual picture before school and Craig was able to take him!
His sweet teachers!
Another great smile
Sweet Lovin' on Mimi before she headed on.  Thank you SO much for all your help! You were a life saver!
Hard worker
Before Avery was born, every Sunday we would visit different Hamburger places after church.  One favorite stop is Burger King with a fun indoor, not crowded play area!
Daddy like the Play Area too
Davis' turn
I love that Daddy dressed the boys to match!!
Another fun tradition at the end of the day is having a dance party on our bed.  Dance Party basically consists of a bouncy ball, a stack of pillows, and throwing the boys on the bed of pillows to Matt Redman's song We are the Free, which Davis now sings ALL the time which is about the cutest thing you could hear.  It is more of a boy toss than a dance party but everyone enjoys it except Craig's back.
Craig holds on to Davis but Caleb gets some serious AIR!!

The after-fun of Dance Party
Pure Sweetness!
Then it turns into wrestling and looks like this
A little Woody dressing up
Our playgroup got together to celebrate the Netzers that are moving-our attempt to get all the kids in there. 
Caleb will miss his buddy Brooks
What a fun month with SO much going on!

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