Saturday, October 4, 2014

Wenning Time in Austin - July 2014

In July we made it down to Austin for a few days of special family time before the big Donovan Family Reunion.  

Avery loves holding on to her brother's shoes when in the car
Our first stop was a picnic lunch with Mammy and MeDad at the park

Mmmmm....Love Chick Fil A and 3 generations
See Saw Fun

Throwing the football with MeDad
She loves cuddling with her Daddy.  All he has to do is pat his chest and she lays her head down on him like this.  So sweet!
Dressing up at Mimi and Papa's
Looking at Mimi's phone
Posing with Papa
Craig's cousin and her family were in town from Hawaii for the Reunion and we went to dinner to have some extra time with them.  We went to a fun Food Truck Park
Jack and K10 (Avery in the background climbing on tables)
Uncle Allen jumped in the picture
We spent a day out at the lake with the Cowdens and Geezs and Mimi was SO kind to keep Avery at home so we wouldn't have to come in off the boat for her nap
Sweet girl had no clue the fun she was about to miss out on 
We stopped for brunch before hitting the water and these were my silly dates
Tubin' Fun

Daddy joined them on the tube
Flipping, swimming, laughing, and having fun

We had SO much fun on the boat and are grateful for sweet cousins, Aunts, and Uncles!

Mimi gave Avery a bowl of ice cream to make up for the fun she was missing on the boat.
Avery brushing bubba's hair
I was able to slip away and meet my sweet friend, Lori's precious new baby girl Madden!!
We then celebrated Mammy's birthday

The cousins feet
The best group shot I could get of the 9 kiddos
The Reunion was the next day and we were excited to see our family, even if it was just for a few days!

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