Thursday, September 12, 2013

August 2013

August, where did you go? We had a fun, busy, sick, hot, lazy, and fun month! We will summarize the month through the ton of pictures below (they are in no particular order).
The boys helped Daddy prepare to sand and stain the deck 
Soccer, Soccer, Soccer is all the boys have talked about, prepared for, practiced, and played a ton!  Daddy built a really cool soccer goal and he had some little hands helping him every step of the way.

We had the empty goal in our house until the net came in.  It was great excitement waiting for it to arrive.

Yeah!!!! We did it!
Three LONG days and the net finally arrived!
The goal works and the boys LOVE it! It is an understatement to say how much they use it.  We kept it in our house for a good 3 weeks, because they would literally play for hours! 

Poor Avery often sits at the window watching her brothers play outside.  At least they entertain her!

Davis riding his Skoot/balance bike!
Caleb also LOVES baseball

He is quite the powerful hitter
Avery is climbing

The boys love to help Avery with her "Tuesday" Pictures!

Craig had a big reunion soccer tournament where he played with 24 of his teammates from one of his first competitive soccer teams he played on when he was younger.  They played 3 games on Saturday, and made it to the semi-finals on Sunday.  They did a great job (old bones and all) for 30+ year olds!! Go Comets 75!!!
#17 was in full effect 
Daddy's Fan Club was so excited to watch their daddy play!
They played and watched on the sidelines in their full gear and blue jerseys too.
We were super excited to see Daddy's goal.  It was the first goal of the game and I was super excited to have gotten it on the camera.  The first picture shows Craig setting up the shot, the next one is the ball soaring in the air, the third picture is the ball way up in the air and the goalie fearing, and the last one with the goalie on the ground and the ball in the net!!! I am a proud soccer wife!
I think the parents of the players had more fun cheering on their sons, catching up, and reminiscing about old times
Mr. Parisi was like a second dad to Craig growing up
Happy boys!
Tired girl trying to keep her eyes open
And now...

We went to Canon's Water Birthday Party
The pinata was the best! Caleb was so excited- check out Caleb's face
Davis' turn was great
Whew! Caleb's power turn!
The birthday boy hammered it!
Mr. Marshall brought the candy down
Can't get enough sleeping babe pictures and she has clung to a special bunny blanket to help her go to sleep.
Happy girl in the car
Brothers made her Smurfette in Build-A-Bear
Caleb and Davis were doing a rain dance waiting for the rain to come (and it did)!
Avery and Daddy's new trick, High Fives!

Waiting for Daddy to give her 5
Davis decided to potty train!!! He did an amazing job, rocked it, and had very few accidents.  I love that these two come out matching from pj's to blue camo underwear, they will match things with "coordinating" colors-it is really precious!
Having homemade popsicles in the heat

A bike ride and walk to the park
Davis and I at the park-he was not himself-didnt play at all.  We got home from the park/He actually fell asleep in the stroller on the way home-poor guy.
Davis resting with a fever and Caleb giving him some sympathy (Avery also had a fever that same day)
After a little medicine, Davis was able to handle a fort/tent using the soccer goal
And then...
 Davis and Avery got Hand, Foot, Mouth (it wasnt as bad as the horror stories I had heard about but that kept us away from others until all scabs were healed).  It took me a few days to realize what it was, thought these little spots were a variety of either chiggers, reaction to sunblock, lotion, crawling in grass, etc.  It wasnt until 3 days after the 24 hour fever that Avery got a big blister on her foot and Davis then got the rash/blister the next day.
Davis' legs. For your sake, it is fortunate I was unable to get a picture of the blister on his hand
Cute pose 
Love this outfit and the beautiful lace on the bottom with ruffle bloomers 
Swinging at the park even if we are sitting sideways
While Mimi and Papa were on a wonderful vacation in Costa Rica, we loved Facetiming/Skype-ing with them throughout the month but we sure did miss them!!! We were able to pick them up from the airport and these 3 were SO excited to see them walk through the gates with their handmade signs
Mimi and Papa brought some fun treats for the kids 
And adorable shirts 
Avery always loves Mimi's jeweled and sparkly shirts 
We celebrated Mimi's 65th birthday early 
Avery LOVES her Daddy.  When he gets home, she gets really excited and he MUST hold her right away or there is a lovely shrill of a scream if he doesn't.  It is precious the bond these two have! 
I was uploading the pictures from the camera and couldn't figure out what this was.  There were only 13 of these.  Caleb must have taken some artistic pictures of a fan! 
We had a garage sale one Saturday morning.  I think Caleb made more than us selling 5 pitchers of lemonade and 2 batches of brownies.  Should have made more! He had so much fun and was really into his little business (sign making skills)! 
More soccer!

Avery watching  
Whew!! That is our month! We have a busy September ahead so stay tuned for 2 birthdays, 2 birthday parties, school, soccer, and fun activities.  This was a fun last month of summer!

1 comment:

Lara said...

so fun to see everything julie! avery is getting so big! such a busy month!