Friday, August 9, 2013

Avery - 11 months - August 4

Starting to get a little, tiny bit emotional that our baby girl is a month away from being 1 year old!! Okay, enough of that! 
Avery's Tuesday picture had to travel to Austin (the lighting was tough and she was a little blurry)

Avery got her 3rd and 4th tooth and we didn't even realize it.  I guess she has a high pain tolerance or maybe the amber teething necklace is working! 

Avery loves table food and seems to be weaning herself.  She has stopped nursing at the 3pm feeding, and sometimes the 11 am feeding.  Again, another tear to my eye that this sweet chapter of my life is closing. 
Little helpers helping me keep Avery on her back

Avery is still taking 3 nice naps and sleeping 7pm-7am.  Her naps are usually 8:30-9:30, 1-3, and 5-6 (give or take).  She is a great little sleeper and really only gets fussy when she is hungry or tired.  

We love you beautiful girl and are so grateful for you, your smile, your sweet laughter, and your great addition to our family. Please stop growing so quickly! 

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