Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Joyous Day -- Tuesday, September 4th at 5:21 pm

We are proud to announce Avery Kate Wenning!! It was such a fun day and we feel so blessed to be trusted by God to raise yet another adorable child!! Since we had been waiting for weeks and thinking of every possible scenario if we were to go into labor at different times of the day/week. We knew the Lord's hand was in control of the timing. 
On Thursday, August 30th (39 weeks), Julie was 1 cm and 90% effaced, which we learned to be the thining of the cervix.  Our amazing doctor, Dr. Tillman, made it a point to tell us that she is around all weekend, even on Labor Day, and that we HAVE to call her when we go into labor.  She wanted to be there for our 3rd child's delievery.  She even gave us a card to give the nurses right when we came into the hospital.  So...we were prepared to go just anyday.  Craig's mom had come in town to help us out for a few days and we were grateful not only to have help but to also have the comfort of knowing that she was there, just in case. 
So...we waited and enjoyed a wonderful weekend, Date Night, and special family time.  Craig's mom left and Julie's parents arrived for the second shift of being ready.  So...we all waited. 
Julie was really praying that she would know she was in labor (Caleb broke her water, Davis contractions were 6 minutes apart and she had a hard time knowing she was in labor).  Sunday night, contractions were all over the place 7 minutes apart, 3 minutes apart, 12 minutes apart, etc. and the start and stop of the contractions were really hard to know.  We went to sleep and nothing happened and we waited some more.
Tuesday, September 4th at 5:50 am, Julie woke up to a familiar (yet unfamiliar) feeling.  She thought her water had broken but waited about 20 minutes before waking up Craig with, "What do you think about having a baby today?"  He jumped up and was ready!!  We got dressed, gathered up the last minute things, enjoyed telling the boys at 7 am, told last minute instructions to Julie's mom and for the hospital. 
We arrived at the hospital by 8 am and did the LONG process of checking in and answering a million questions.  They confirmed that Julie's water broke and said that she was 1 cm.  She got her IV at 9:45 and they began the pitocin at 10:30.  They increased the pitocin every 30 minutes.  By, 11:30 the contractions were pretty steady and strong but bearable.  At 1:45, Julie got the wonderful epidural.
Dr. Tillman came in at 2 pm and said that Julie was 4 cm and the baby would be coming in the next few hours.  We were praying that Davis would get a good nap, Julie's mom would have time to drop the boys off at Ms. Crystal's house at 3 pm and make it to the hospital for her 7th grandchild's delivery.  Fortunately, she made it!!  At 3:30, Julie was at 5 cm at 4:30 she was 6 cm and then at 5 pm she was 10 cm and ready to go!  They quickly got the room set up, Dr. Tillman suited up and sat on the edge of the bed.  At 5:20, 1 contraction, 1 1/2 pushes, and the most graceful delivery they have ever seen with a huge smile on Julie's face--Avery Kate was born at 5:21 pm.  It was so fast! 
She weighed 7 pounds 15 ounces and was 20 inches long. Everyone is very shocked by her LONG SKINNY feet.  She has similar characteristics as her brothers but is so petite compared to them!  Praise the Lord -Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!! 2 Corinthians 9:15
Enjoy the plethora of pictures of Avery's Birth Day!
A last special moment before having our daughter
It was so great having Julie's mom there to see her 7th grandchild being brought into the world.
The machines
Nurse Anne holding Avery up for us all to see her
Sweet Girl
7 pounds 15 ounces
Julie excited that her baby girl is here
Dr. Tillman is the BEST
We are So in love!
Daddy is already smitten by his daughter!
Mimi's 7th grandchild
Avery getting cleaned up and measured 
First Bath
All Clean
Happy Girl
Avery's first morning with one eye open
Now two
Precious Profile
Our room and our view of the Dart
The big brothers get to visit and were SO excited
Our family of five
Davis LOVES kissing his sister
The Biggest Brother is ready to protect Avery
The Big Brother is ready to have fun with her (as he shakes the bassinet cart)
Little Sister sleeping away
Caleb is ready to hold her
He is such a good big brother
This picture was taken just moments after we took her out of Caleb's hands.  He was SO excited!!!
Love Caleb's look
Laura, from our Community, came to meet Avery
A nap with my girl
Hollis, one of Julie's Senior Girls, was so excited to finally meet Avery (and hear her name)
We decided to go home after Avery's 24 hour tests.  We didn't see the need to stay in the hospital one more sleepless night.  The nurses and doctors all agreed to it.  Here are a ton of pictures of us as we are waiting to be discharged: 
Going Home
Home Sweet Home
Avery brought some big brother presents
Some good night kisses
and hugs
It was a GREAT couple of days with GREAT new beginnings!! Thanks for all your prayers for a safe delivery and transition to our family of 5! We are blessed beyond belief! Thank you Lord!


Anonymous said...

So exciting! We are so happy for you all. Sending lots of love and big hugs!

Anonymous said...

Love all the pics! Julie, you look AMAZING after just having a baby! Can't wait to love on baby Avery some more!

Unknown said...

Hi Julie! What a beautiful family you have! You know, Trinity was also born the Tuesday after Labor Day, but that year it was Sept. 8. However, our days were very similar. Mine started that morning at 6:15am, got my epidural around the same time and our princess was born at 3:02pm. Congratulations to you old friend, much love and best wishes!!!