Friday, July 1, 2011

5 months - July 31

This past month has been a leap in development and new things for Davis.  He started rolling over and sleeping on his tummy.  Fortunately, he rolled over after we went to back or else I probably would have woke him up to put him back on his back.  Then next night he did it again but before we went to bed and all we could do was pray that he would be okay and the Lord would protect him.  (Just a little reminder, Caleb didn't start sleeping in different positions or rolling over for that matter until around 9 or 10 months.)  Within a few days, Davis was rolling with a purpose and moving from the place I laid him.  He also had to learn when he rolled up against the side of his bed, how to get unstuck from that position. 

Another big step was when Davis started eating rice cereal.  He seems to like it but it definitely takes more time to plan that as part of our busy day.  He also breaks out in a little rash around his mouth after each feeding, so that is something we are keeping an eye on. 
This is what we get to look forward to every Monday when we take his pictures-Mr. Roller
Since the other schools (UT and Clemson) got a shout out last month, it was only right that Stanford does too.  Thank you Cousins for this priceless shirt.  Monday pictures even happen when on vacation, thank you MeDad for helping to get this precious smile out.
We frequently hear that he is the most happy, cheerful, smiley baby others have ever seen. We just adore him and love his squeals, giggles, and precious toothless grins.

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