Thursday, November 4, 2010

Weekend at the Ranch - October 15-17

Obviously there has been a slight delay in blog posts recently mainly due to the whilrwind of the past 3+ weeks we have had.  So, bare with us as we catch you up to speed on the past month.  (Not to mention uploading our pictures this past week has caused Julie some major stress-not sure what is happening but hopeful they were not all deleted.)
Craig has been wanting to go enjoy the Ranch with his parents and it was a wonderful weekend with absolutely perfect weather. We forgot how wonderful the Ranch is this time of year (as we always go in the summer with the heat). As always Caleb loved the mule, the cows, the outdoors, the freedom, the turkeys that are a new find, throwing turkey feed, the "moo poo," (his newest favorite word),  the new zip-line, MeDad's Birthday Celebration, the tractors working on the neighbor's land, the trucks, the hike/nature walk that Mommy carried him the majority of the time, and of course the special time with Mammy, MeDad, and Daddy.

MeDad showing Caleb how the Zip-Line works
Caleb enjoying the Zip-Line 
And doing it all by himself, such a strong boy 

Playing with Mammy 

Throwing rocks into the spring and very excited with the big splash 
Not what we pictured a real turkey looking like...Gobble, Gobble 
Carrying the Turkey Feed 
MeDad's Birthday Celebration with his favorite, Pecan Pie 

What a fun weekend!! Thanks Mammy and MeDad for making the weekend so special for us-Can't wait to do it again soon.

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