Friday, July 25, 2014

May 2014

May was a great start to Summer, we had some fun activities, quick trips to Austin, and sweet memories to end the school year and to start the summer!

Before bedtime precious moments

The silliness continues
Showing her brother's socks
Daddy got a coupon deal at Dave and Busters and we had a fun time playing games

She is chasing her shadow
Playing soccer
We took a quick trip to Austin and were so grateful to see Mimi one last time.  She is and always will be a beautiful woman to me
The reason for our quick trip to Austin was Megan, my best friend from Austin came in town from Ireland.  We celebrated with some yummy food, a slumber party, and a wonderful mani/pedi.  So grateful to have these girls in my life, I just wish I could see them more frequently
The pretty ring

While I was out with the girls, the kids were with Mimi and Papa

Mimi and Papa took the kids to a fun day at Trader Joe's

We drove home from Austin to go to one of our favorite days at church, Baptism Sunday.  All those people on the stage are getting baptized!! 150+ people publicly professed their love for our Savior! Truly Amazing
The kids had fun celebrating with bounce houses, hamburgers, sno cones, cotton candy, and more

Our attempt at wild flower pictures

The boys raked some leaves 

At our picnic for Chapel School, Caleb was "tested" on all the Old Testament and the Main Ideas of each one.  It was really impressive to watch him confidently pour out God's word.  We pray that he never loses his love for learning more about Jesus
His Graduation from Chapel School
He is pretty excited to get a diploma
Caleb had a sweet Mother's Day Tea, where they sang some songs, recited some scripture, served us snacks, and gave us our Mother's Day gifts.  It was a sweet time with my favorite 5 year old!

My Card
Caleb's answer--notice my age! Love all these answers
My beautiful cross
My server, he is so grown up

Love my sweet boy
This documents 2 things: Avery ran/fell into the edge of a chair leg and this is the poor bruise she had for at least a week and the second thing was we are hunkered down in the boys bathroom during a tornado warning
Selfies to entertain

We got a groupon to a bouncey place.  They had a hurricane simulator and the boys used their money to try it out.  This is the before picture
This is after-of them showing the crazy wind
We had the place pretty much to ourselves

A selfie on a big slide
They turned on the black lights and it was a party just for us
Trying to get a picture of her gorgeous eyes in the black light
I got a bow to stay in her hair for more than a few seconds
Our sweet friends/neighbors invited Caleb to a Frisco Rough Rider Baseball Game.  This was a big deal, being the first time we have let him do something like this with a non-family member.  Caleb and Graham had a blast and it was a wonderful experience for all!  Thanks Ms. Krista and Mr. Rob for taking care of our big boy-Can't believe these boys will be starting Kindergarten in just a few weeks!
Seats (and food) for a King
Mother's Day Present-Craig and the kids worked so hard on this foot stool-Love these little toesies!
Our flowers bloomed on Mother's Day!
Craig and the kids planted more flowers for me for Mother's Day
Our yummy Mother's Day Dinner
Avery dropped her bowl of refried beans on my foot during dinner
A Wedgits Tower they created
Sweet moments of reading together
Our first time watching Frozen during one of our road trips
Avery in her stroller
Davis pushing his little sister in the stroller
Avery's new trick-hanging on the monkey bars
Mr. Rob pushed Avery around and around to where she was in a laid back, relaxed position
A sweet picture of sweet friends
Avery loves to read
Swinging time

A break for a hug
Saturday morning snuggles
Ready for church

Family Photos
Caleb's TCA Kindergarten Family Picnic

Playing at another park-loving these beautiful days

Brought our scooters on our hunt for a new park

Love a sleeping babe
More sleeping shots-I will one day not take pictures of our kids sleeping (when they're adults)
Davis' End of Year Class Party was on a day that he didn't go to school, so I took him up there and he LOVED showing me all around and his favorite things on the playground
The Last Day of School Bounce House
Davis' Class
To Celebrate our First Day of Summer, I thought I had a brilliant idea, to go to the Perot Museum before the summer rush of kids being out of school but I was wrong.  There were a ton of field trip kids but we still had  a blast, even if it was crowded. A little music before entering

Hop on the frogs
First stop the kids play area
Water station

Escalator to the top
Exploration Floor


Last pose before we left
Ms. Hollis came to visit when she came home from her Freshman Year

To end our First Day of Summer, we also celebrated with Monster Yogurt and it didn't disappoint

Silly Caleb putting stickers on her eyes

Now it is his turn
We did our first Hands and Feet Service Project by loading up a cooler with cold water and Gatorade and set off to bless postal workers, construction workers, people at a gas station, people waiting on at a bus stop, etc.  We ended our service day with a free lemonade stand at the park.  It was fun talking to people about Jesus when they asked us "why" we were doing this.

Davis was invited to a birthday party of a girl from school.  It was hard on both Caleb and Davis to do something separate but we thought it was a great idea. Daddy took Davis to the gymnastics party
to Chick Fil A
and to run errands
Caleb and I played with shaving cream, water, food coloring, soap, and made quite the "Science Experiment"
Except we couldn't quite get the purple stain off his hands.  How it turned his hands purple, I'll never know.  This was after numerous washes with more "science experiments" to try to get it off.
May was a fun month and a great start to the summer!

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