Saturday, March 9, 2013

Avery - 6 months - March 4

Avery Kate is half of a year old! Where has the time gone?  Avery is such a joy in our family.  The boys love playing with her, making her laugh, cleaning up her spit up (and there is a LOT of spit up), giving her "appropriate" toys to play with, and just entertaining her.  The only time she is fussy is when she is tired.  She will sleep from 7 pm to 7:30/7:45 am.  With 3 great naps during the day.  Avery is a great little sleeper and we are so blessed by her.

Mimi found this outfit in some boxes.  It is the outfit I wore home from the hospital, almost 32 years to the day.  (Don't worry I was a HUGE baby and it was big on me). Pretty sweet to share this outfit with my daughter!

When we lay Avery down on her back she is quickly turning over to her tummy.  We are praying that she learns to roll back over on her back (by the time we have posted this, our prayer has been answered).  She does pretty well but sometimes gets frustrated when she is on her tummy for too long.
A little Valentine outfit with matching shoes

Avery is even sleeping on her tummy.  We lay her down on her back and she flips over.  She continues to sleep amazingly well!

I love how Avery gets sweet little red cheeks after she eats.

Strike a pose

I may have a little too much fun dressing her up in all these precious clothes and then take a few too many pictures.  I have to do this while she will still let me.  

Avery is grabbing anything and everything that is around her.  She puts everything in her mouth and is doing some serious teething/drooling.

Can you believe this sweet smile is shortly after her big 6 month appointment.  She is always SO happy!  Avery's stats for 6 months are:
16 pounds (50%)
26 inches (50%)

We prayed a ton for Avery to take a bottle, especially during our DTown weekend.  She did wonderful and Mimi had many great successes.  The next weekend with Mammy while we were at the Marriage Conference wasn't quite as great.  But one crazy thing Avery did was on Friday night before the Marriage Conference, I put her down for a nap around 5 pm.  We left at 6:30 and she was still asleep, she continued to sleep through her night time feeding and through the night until 7:30 am.  WOW! Mammy didn't wake her up knowing she probably wouldn't take the bottle and she slept so well.  What  a trooper!  We are still putting a lot of prayer into Avery taking a bottle but we know that with each month and more food, the bottle won't be as necessary.  

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