Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thanksgiving in Austin

We have SO much to be thankful for...
We had a great 3 days and 4 nights in Austin with Family! We spent the majority of the day in Georgetown at Aunt Jen and Uncle Tony's house and 32 of our family members from Great Mimi, 2 Aunts, 3 Uncles, 2 Big Cousins, 2 grandparents, and 4 little cousins, plus Uncle Tony's side of the family: his parents, his 2 sisters, their husbands and 4 kids, and his brother (Julie went to high school with Michael and Becca-Tony's little sister and brother).  It was a really special day and so much fun being with so many loved ones. 
There was a lot of dressing up 
Climbing stairs 
Eating Turkey and all the fixins'-Davis LOVED it!  (A good lunch called for a LONG nap)
So happy 
A lot of walking with anyone who would-Cousin Lisa helped a ton 
Mimi's turn for stairs 
Christalyn, the pogo queen! 
And such a big helper 
Aunt Jen is really creative and hung their parachute and made an awesome bubble to play in. Cousin Broughton and his girlfriend, Star, helped to bring the bubble to life!
Daddy playing a little soccer.  Apparently, they made up a very entertaining game, called Bucket Ball, but didn't get any pictures of the action of everyone playing.  Daddy was a little sore for a few days- 
These two crack me up 
We were so thankful that the weather was beautiful and the 10 kids could run and play outside.  
We had an amazing time on Thanksgiving Day (not great pictures to show) and will post pictures of the rest of our time Austin with the November post! 

Heavenly Father, on Thanksgiving Day
We bow our hearts to You and pray.
We give You thanks for all You've done
Especially for the gift of Jesus, Your Son.
For beauty in nature, Your glory we see
For joy and health, friends and family,
For daily provision, Your mercy and care
These are the blessings You graciously share.
So today we offer this response of praise
With a promise to follow You all of our days.
--Mary Fairchild

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