Monday, October 6, 2008

Week 1- A Whole Lot of Firsts- October 2

Now that Caleb is 1 week old, we celebrate all the firsts that we have laughed at, cried over, and been filled with joy. We know there will be plenty more firsts to come but this list all starts at the hospital...
-Caleb's first time out of his hospital shirt
-Caleb's first time in his car seat
-Caleb's first time in the car (and Caleb's first time on scary Highway 75- we never realized how bad drivers are in Dallas are until you have precious cargo in your car.)
-Caleb's first time in his big bed
-Caleb's first visitor's at home
-Caleb's first bath
-Caleb's first poopy on Daddy
-Caleb's first walk in his stroller
-Caleb's first sprinkler all over himself
-Caleb's first smile
-Caleb's first fussy night
-Caleb's first time to open his eyes
-Caleb's first time to keep his eyes open for more than a second
-Caleb's first time to meet his cousin's (Thanks Garcia's for driving up for 1 day and Geez's stopping by to see us)
-Caleb's first trip to Target
-Caleb's first surprise Baby Shower
-Caleb's first to make precious purring noises when he sleeps (See the below video- we know you can't see him but just listen to the sweet noise)
-Caleb's first sweet time with Daddy, Mimi, and Papa
-Caleb's first gassy tummy
-Caleb's first time to run errands
-Caleb's first week of a TON of prayers, hugs, kisses, and oh so, special moments!!

1 comment:

Amy H said...

I LOVE that little voice - so precious...