March has come and gone--Crazy that we have a 3.5 year old, a 14 month old, and we get to meet this little baby in 6 months!! We have stayed at home for some much needed rest, productive weekends, switching out the boys clothes for the spring, recovering from a little bug, teething, and a ton of playing.
Davis LOVES anything balls-Daddy is showing him how to bounce the ball on the tennis racket. He loved it!
I just love the way the light is shining through on this picture
Caleb found an old old laptop and loves acting like Daddy and typing
Every night when Daddy gets home from work the boys have a "Dance Party" on our bed. We play "We are the Free" by Matt Redman and the boys go nuts. Of course, Daddy throws each boy up in the air into a nest of pillows on the bed. It is a highlight of our day for all!
Caleb resting after a crazy dance party.
I finally got Caleb to eat something other than a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch. We took a picture of Caleb enjoying his "Daddy Sandwich" (roast beef and cheese) and sent it to Daddy at work.
Our Community Group and kiddos met at the mall for hamburgers at 5 Guys. This is Cade and Caleb playing
Brad is such a good sport and rode with Braysen! What a good Daddy!
Braysen and Davis were chasing around a remote control car
Thanks Laura for sending this picture to me with Bobby in the background
Caleb was caught by a fisherman and Mommy playing with Instagram
More Instagram pictures and Daddy posing Caleb just the right way-Boys will be boys
We went to an open gym and Davis literally had a ball!
Happy Birthday Daddy!! Caleb was so sweet and gave Daddy one of his favorite figures of Buzz. We love you so much Daddy and grateful to be celebrating your special day!
Sweet Boys
We had a date night to Benihana's and enjoyed a fun night!
The "circus" came to Caleb's school. Caleb is excited to watch the clown while eating popcorn.
String Beanie was a silly clown
The preschoolers
I love my sweet mornings with this little guy when Caleb is at school, as hard as it is for Davis to be away from his brother, we have a great time! Here we are playing baseball. He is pretty good but he excels even more in soccer.
Caleb in his little bed (our ottoman filled with blankets and pillows) while watching a movie
Both boys playing in the ottoman. We just have to watch out, Davis likes to close it on Caleb's head.
We had a fun weekend of parties. Davis is loving bouncing at Sam's Green Eggs and Ham 2nd Birthday Party (sadly didn't get a picture of the birthday boy).
Daddy's nose is always getting abused.
The next day we went to the Flight Museum to celebrate Bobby's 1st Birthday. Caleb had a blast, to say the least! He actually climbed to the top of the tower. He is growing up and becoming more of a little boy!
Davis loved the flight museum too!
Happy Birthday Bobby!
Caleb, Grace, Cade and Braysen-the first borns of the Community Group-Bobby was to the right of Braysen, didn't quite get him in the picture (They are all about a year apart). Grace will be 5 in May, Cade will be 5 in October, Caleb will be 4 in September, and Braysen will be 3 in November! Whew-a busy Community Group!
Cade and Caleb playing in one of the airplanes, we have a similar picture of these two at Cade's 3rd Birthday Party!
Caleb and Davis flying together
Going down the slide
Jay Jay, what fun!
Caleb put his football helmet on Davis and he actually kept it on long enough for me to take a picture.
Caleb is usually very good at dressing himself and picking out his own clothes. One day, I asked him to go to our bedroom and put on his jeans-he came out with these on. They are Davis' jeans!! Funny kid, he loved wearing Davis jeans and I just have to laugh at the length of them! We then went to park to feed the ducks
They are having so much fun pushing the shopping cart in the backyard
We had fun on the office chairs at Costco
Caleb wanted a knight's helmet and put this ensemble together
Davis can get on the push toys by himself and is clapping with excitement
Davis is pushing Caleb in the tractor
Davis' turn-sidenote: Davis now has 13 teeth (5 teeth came in this last month, his molars and 1 canine. Whew! Poor buddy!)
Caleb was painting and someone has to do everything big brother does, so this is Davis first time to paint. Pretty good since he is getting the paint on the paintbrush by himself
These boys are taking a break to watch basketball. Davis actually sits still long enough to watch it, he loves his sports.
In the waiting room, before...
Caleb's first Dentist appointment! It could not have gone any better (other than Davis' diaper blowout).
Caleb did great and is now reminding us to brush his teeth in the morning too and floss his teeth. He loved it and is already talking about when he gets to go back when he is 4!!
Getting x-rays/"pictures" of his teeth
The Dentist taking a look
Showing off his mouth full of pearly whites
Getting to hang out with Davis (before the massive blow out and smelling up the entire office)-the stomach bug came back!
Craig has been working so hard in the yard. He planted a beautiful Japanese Maple that is supposed to grow to 12 feet. It is going to be gorgeous in our front yard. He also planted some grass seed in an area of our yard that is always muddy, picking weeds, killing weeds, mowing, killing ants, and so much more! I just love watching him be so productive and busy on the weekends!
Hopefully we will have grass back here
We are doing some watering and Caleb is loving playing in it
Finally the sock monkey balloon bit the dust and love how Caleb is wearing it.
A yard work break
As we wrote earlier on Caleb's adventurous side, he climbed up to the top of the web at the park!
Our playgroup had their annual Easter Egg Party. It is always so much fun to be around these sweet mommas and kiddos. Jake, Caleb, Ava, Maggie, Mia, and Joshua
Ms. Julia (and Ms. Trisha) is amazing and had a wonderful set of activities planned.
Davis just ran around kicking a ball and squealling
This was the best picture I could get of the big kids as Ms. Trisha is entertaining them while the eggs are being hidden. Cohen, Harper, Ava, Caleb, Lincoln, Hadley, Elyse, and Mia (missing Jake, Lowell, and all the little ones-not to mention ALL the friends that couldn't be there). I didn't get a single picture of the Easter Egg Hunt, these kiddos are FAST! Maybe next week I will get a few more pictures.

Such a fun month and looking forward to a great April!
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