Friday, May 30, 2014

February Ice Day

 We had another Ice Day on February 6th, the boys went to school, which was fun for them to be able to play in the snow at school.  When they got home the playing continued and Caleb LOVED it.
Avery had her own play time in the snow by herself
I think she liked the tickle of the snow flurries on her nose

Avery's hands are still really sensitive after the burn and they were this color for a long time after coming in from outside.
Daddy came home and some more playing or crying 
Caleb swept a big enough pile from the driveway and sidewalks to make a "creation"
He worked so hard and LOVED every minute of it
Sweet boy  
So excited! 
My precious boy 
Now, she's happy

The finishing touches on "Snowy" 

"Snowy" made the family picture 

Because "Snowy" was in the shade, he was our guest for a few days
Loved these memories that the boys were making! Davis asks frequently when it's going to snow again.  Sweet!

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