Friday, May 16, 2014

Davis starts at Graham Cracker

Even though, the school year is coming to an end, I needed to mention that Davis started school in January.  Davis was on the waiting list for his class.  He could have had a spot in September but I , he  we weren't quite ready.  There was another spot available for the Mother's Day Out in January.  We thought it would be a great transition for Caleb to be at the same school for 5 months. 

Our usual First Day of School Picture 
Avery was wondering what these two were doing and placed herself between them 
A picture of the three 
Sweet Brothers, Caleb was so encouraging and helpful with the first day of school jitters 

The first day was great, he has been slow to warming up, but it helped seeing Caleb on the playground.
Ms. Heather, one of his amazing teachers (even if she looks 16)  
What a great start to a fun chapter in Davis' education! We LOVE Graham Cracker Express!

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