Saturday, February 2, 2013

Davis--2 years old--January 31

Oh Sweet Davis is 2 years old!  How is that even possible.  
He is in a super fun stage where he is exploring the world around him and what his body can do, yet he still loves to cuddle with us.  
Davis is incredibly coordinated.  For instance, just yesterday he began riding Caleb's scooter all over the house (and not just standing on it) and he also discovered that he LOVES jumping off the arm of the couch onto the floor-just to name a few!

Davis is a 2 year old!  He can have some wonderful moments and then the next second look like this.  Actually, in this picture I was wanting him to smile and was yelling, "Noooooo!"
So silly, hiding in a toy box and saying "Boooooo!"

As I have mentioned before he does not enjoy pants and LOVES Ball-Ball Shorts (meaning Basketball/Soccer/Sport Shorts).  Davis is very opinionated about his shoes and usually has an outfit on like this.  He prefers his brother's shoes and loves coming up with all sorts of combinations.
Davis requires a lot of sleep but lately has been not falling asleep when we put the boys to bed at (7:30ish) and will stay up, talking, singing, clapping, etc in bed for up to an hour after we have told him "Nigh Nigh".  So he will lie down on the floor at random times and usually is cuddling with his beloved blanket.

Davis enjoys wearing a hat, people who wear hats, people in pictures wearing a hat, etc.
It seems like just yesterday we were holding our sweet baby boy!

The past year has flown by and he has grown up so so so much! 
We love you Sweet Davis John and can't wait to see how you grow, talk, learn, explore, and become the little boy God has so wonderfully designed!

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