Such another fun, fun month!! From two trips down to Austin this month to some relaxing weekends at home. We had a great and busy month. Here are a few pictures of the month that we had:
We forgot to document this last month, but Davis now in a big boy car seat. It is a little harder for him to see big brother but he does great in the car-can't complain!
Here is a shot of the two of them
Brother Love
Mr. Clint and Mrs. Lisa took this sweet picture at the park last month. I just love other peoples pictures, especially with a fancy camera!
I feel like I was constantly taking pictures of Caleb sleeping so here is a sweet sleeping baby. Davis is a wonderful sleeper!!
An apple got out of the bag after a grocery store trip and Davis was crawling around on the floor chasing it. He actually pinned in on the ground and was going to town. He enjoyed his apple so much he continued to nibble on it in his high chair. Too cute!
After bath Mohawk
Sunday afternoon "nappers"
Playing outside in the cold
Playing in a box
Another Sunday afternoon "nap"
Love this beautiful Fall weather that won't last long
Davis is fearless and is ready for the slide
We met at Gattitown with our Community (sad that we didn't take more pictures of the fun) but we were reminiscing that the last time we all went to Gattitown, we found out the Smiths were pregnant and Julie had the house all set up to tell Craig that we were pregnant after we got home! Such fun memories!
Davis' first time in the red car-he loved it!
Then they switched places

Completely forgot to include this in the Thanksgiving post but we set out a Turkey Trap the eve of Thanksgiving. The box says "Here Turkey, Turkey" We read the little legend and told Caleb that if we put "corn" out, we might be able to trap the turkey.
The next morning he woke up to find an untouched Turkey Trap but feathers, a note, and a "surprise" (turkey poop ie. whoppers). We told Caleb that Mimi ended up catching the turkey in the oven. Caleb quickly ate the Turkey Poop and loved looking at the Turkey in the oven. He was thankful that Mimi caught it instead of him.
Thanksgiving weekend: Mammy and MeDad took Caleb on a special date. We all went to a yummy hamburger place, then...
Mammy took Caleb to the Movie (The Muppets). He made it almost all the way through but they left early and it probably is not recommended for little ones. As Caleb put it, "that was a little weird."
The big boy ready to watch a movie
Sweet boy at Aunt K10 and Uncle Allen's house
The cousins racing
Caleb showing how big he is next to the puzzle he put together
Love this boy!
I went by to meet sweet baby Ava. She is absolutely precious! Lori and Jay have a beautiful baby girl!
Big news: Davis is pushing the walker toys around by himself. He is so precious, happy, and loves walking! He will push the walker into a wall or a piece of furniture and get frustrated that he can't go anymore. Too cute!
"Mmmmm...I think I will stop and take a nibble break!"
This month we had a Thankfulness Tree and we were always talking about what we are thankful for. Caleb really got into and reminded us at mealtimes to mention what we were thankful for. On a side note-his class in school is memorizing the Fruit of the Spirit and he always throws in Thankfulness as part of the verse. It is too cute! We loved putting this together and are still talking about all the things we are thankful for.
Here is the list in no particular order: I am thankful for: • Triangles • Breakfast • having our family together • Eyes to see • A helpful and involved Daddy • A house • Pictures • Boots • That Davis makes me happy • Our family • An orange shirt (passed down from cousins-clothes) • Batman costume • That God loves me • My cousins • Getting to play with Caleb • School • My brother, Davis • Cowboy boots • Craig having a job • Birdies • Money • Mommy • Getting to play outside •Trees • Juice • Legs • Candy • A daddy that is in charge Clothes • A God that is in charge • Water • People to live life with • Pajamies • Markers • Hamburgers • Daddy • Tents • Rain • That Caleb shares • A mommy that makes yummy food • Pretzels • Yummy food • A church to worship in • Stacey and Wyatt • The smurfs • A good night sleep • Candy • Laughter • Blocks • My head • Time with my family • A bed to sleep in • PbJ • Mimi and Papa • Mammy and MeDad
Here is a little craft that I wanted to make with Caleb and his cousins on Thanksgiving but the day got away from us and I didn't have enough supplies for all the turkeys. Now this is Caleb's countdown to Christmas. He gets one m&m a day until Christmas (we took a lot out of the jar-just so you know). Caleb is thankful for Mommy and Daddy, Davis, swords, jammies, noses, Mr. Will our neighbor, and his buddy Cade.
What a fun month. We have so much to be thankful for!
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body
you were called to peace. And be thankful. Colossians 3:15
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