During the month of November, we had a little arts and craft project in our home. We (Craig was a HUGE help) made 24 of the same ornament to then exchange them on November 29th with 23 other ladies. I was blown away by the creativity, thoughtfulness, time, and effort that each woman put into making, creating, designing their beautiful and unique ornament. We had some yummy treats and enjoyed a lovely evening!
Here is the table of the 576 beautiful ornaments
A close up on Alpha and Omega, The Trinity, Creation, and Love
Believe, Bethlehem, Promises, and Mary is Chosen
Trusting God, Immanuel, Having a Good Attitude, and No Room in the Inn
Born in a Manager, The Shepherds were Afraid, Go and Tell, and Wise Men
The Greatest Gift, The Word, The Good Shepherd
The Vine, The Light of the World, The Bread of Life
The Way/The Truth/The Life, and the Lamb of God
Kristin, the wonderful hostess that organized all of this and the great boxes to keep the ornaments in for years to come
Daddy and Caleb getting ready to read the devotional and talk about the lesson
Sweet Memories
Caleb telling us where he wants to hang the new ornament (notice our tree is a little top heavy-to keep little Davis hands off of them). In future years, I think we will have a smaller tree just for these 24 ornaments.
Picking the perfect spot
Check out on of the writer/creators of A Meaningful Christmas blog post here

We are prayerful of the future years and the wonderful memories we are creating with our kids. Caleb is still a little young to grasp it all but it is still really fun and it helps us focus our hearts and minds on the most Meaningful part of CHRISTmas! (A group picture will follow-it was on a different person's camera).
1 comment:
Oh Julie!! I love this! I just hopped on your blog, and I just love this:). We do the "Jesse tree", which is similar, bit I love the idea of everyone making one and exchanging! Will you bring your book to Austin? Want to peek at it:) love it!!
can't wait to see you!
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