Caleb has taken an interest (for about 2 minutes) in taking pictures. He took this picture when Mommy received a special treat in the mail. Thank you, Daddy, for the beautiful Mother's Day Flowers!!!
Another great picture Caleb took-Daddy had to bend down to his level to get in the picture.

We had a special treat for Mother's Day--Mimi and Papa came in town for weekend. It was a fun weekend, enjoyed special time with Mimi and Papa, and had an amazing Date Night! We had the privilege to go see Jerry Seinfeld live at the ATT Performing Arts Center. He was hilarious and we had great seats. It was a special time together and are so grateful for Mimi and Papa! If you can't tell in the picture below, Caleb is reading his favorite, Curious George, to two tired and asleep grandparents. (Papa worked all day and night to be able to come in town early-such a sacrifice-Thank you!)
Craig and Papa making a yummy Mother's Day Breakfast
Davis was making a special Mother's Day for us by laughing and giggling
Daddy taught Caleb what to say on Mother's Day. He is telling Mimi and Mommy "Happy Mudder's Day!" Too Cute!
To a special Mom on Mother's Day: Thanks for being such a great mom, loving our family well, thinking of every little detail, treating us to little joys in life, and always being there for us. I love you and you are my best friend!!
To a Special Mother-In-Love: I am grateful to have another incredible woman in my life. You raised your son to be so tender, kinder, loving, passionate, dedicated, and determined-he could have only learned these traits from a wonderful mother! My heart melts when I see Craig love and care for our boys!)
To all my Mommy friends: It is such a joy to see all of you shepherd your children well, to love your kids as Christ loves us, and to grow and learn together the wonderful world of parenting!
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