Davis has hit such a big milestone in his little life-he is now 3 months old and not considered a newborn anymore. Davis continues to grow so much and laughs/giggles/smiles a ton these days. He continues to be a great night time sleeper-he is officially sleeping through the night 7 pm-7 am!!! Yeah! His naps are coming together during the day and enjoys all the fun places big brother's activities take him. Fortunately, Davis is great in the car seat and sleeps wonderfully in there. He also enjoys being carried around in the Moby-close to Mom! We are guessing that he is 15+ pounds by now.

(Davis is beginning to suck on his fingers/thumb)
1 comment:
Davis is giving Lucas a run for his money!! Lucas is about 15lbs! His last appt (April 15) he was 15lbs. .5oz!! Hoping he is 16 now!! haha! :) Love you guys! He is PRECIOUS!!
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