This month has been filled with a few Easter celebrations. It has been really great to hear Caleb's version of Easter, "Esus died on the tross and He ylives forever." It has been fun to talk about what our Lord did for us and know that Caleb is actually understanding the basis of it. We look forward to each year growing his understanding of the depth that our Savior did for each and every one of us, so that we could live eternally.
Our church playgroup met at a playground and had little stations walking through the week leading up to the resurrection. We pretended to ride donkeys over branches of trees (as Jesus rode into Jerusalem), we talked about Jesus cleansing the temple and then teaching God's word there, we had different spices and perfumes for the kids to smell (as the woman poured her alabaster jar on Jesus' feet), we talked about the Lord's supper while eating bunny crackers and juice, we talked about the betrayal, the boo boos Jesus got, His death on the cross, we crawled under a black table cloth and talked about the empty tomb. We then had a big feast to celebrate that "Jesus Lives Forever." What a fun day!
Talking about the Lord's Supper
This is one of Caleb's good buddies, Noah. Jocelyn and Julie met at MOPS last year and have become great friends. Here are the boys in their rival shirts. And Caleb calls this park "Noah's Park" because we often go together and when we don't go together, Caleb is always looking for Noah.
We also went to another Easter Egg Hunt/Petting Zoo with a neighborhood friend. It was a little crazy and Caleb was a tiny bit overwhelmed. The petting zoo was fun and Caleb enjoyed feeding the animals but LOVED playing on the slide more.
Davis' first Easter Egg Hunt and he slept through the whole thing.
Here is our neighborhood play group's Easter Egg Hunt. Chrystalyn did a great job and made a fun hunt for the little ones. Caleb is beginning to get the hang of it.
This is Caleb's new smile-he squints his eyes and then Mommy says open your eyes and say "Cheese" and this is the look I get. Funny!
Lastly, we went to our Church's Easter Egg Hunt. It was a rainy, dreary day-so they did a great job and tweaked the plans and had it inside. So fun!
This is a group shot of our playgroup. A little bribery was done with Skittles from Ms. Julia.

Again, we love this time of year! Some great lessons in each day, each egg, each bible story, and prayer.
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