Davis made his first trip and Mommy made her first trip with 2 kids by herself!!!
A few weeks ago, we headed down to Austin. Julie and the kids left on Thursday morning and Craig came down on Friday after work. Davis did GREAT in the car-slept the whole time and made it 4+ hours from his last feeding to Georgetown, where he was eagerly greeted by his sweet cousins and Christalyn couldn't wait to hold him.
This is the first thing Caleb goes to at Mimi and Papa's house-a bucket of balls. He plays with these so much and Papa enjoys finding these balls scattered around the house for weeks after.
Then we met Great Mimi for lunch. "Big Mimi" (as Caleb calls her) splurged for a Happy Meal and a Milkshake-He was loving life!
I am not sure I have a single picture where Caleb is not eating his food, drinking his "blue Daddy juice" (Powerade), or enjoying his milkshake.
Friday night we spent the night at Mammy and MeDad's and enjoyed Saturday morning at a baseball game with the Cowdens.
Here is Jack, the star!
Caleb is learning a thing or two from his cousins
Sweet Cousins
Uncle Allen and Jack
Aunt K-10 feeding Davis a bottle
Lucy's first time to hold Davis
Saturday afternoon we went to an amazing birthday party at the Garcia's house. TJ turned 6 years old and loves the Kratt Brothers, a show on PBS and Faith turned 1 year old last month. So they had a Rainforest themed party. Julie's sister, Jennifer, yet again threw an amazing birthday party. Julie is so proud of her sister for many reasons yet never stops looking up to her for the time, dedication, energy, and love she pours into her kids birthday cakes!! AMAZING!
Look at the detail of the monkey, frog, green coconut grass, the waterfall, and pirouette wafer coconut trees. She is So creative!
The Birthday Boy and Birthday Girl
Precious Faith enjoying her cake
Great Aunt Debbie

Great Mimi holding her 6th great grandchild for the first time
Sarah holding Davis for the first time too
Mimi lovin'
Great Uncle Willie
As fun as all the activities we were able to enjoy, the real focus of the weekend was for Julie to dance. Marla Valk, her director, celebrated her 15th year with the Sundancers and to honor her the past Officer Lines surprised her with a dance at Escapade, the Spring Show. It was so much fun to dance again with some wonderful ladies and to see the excitement in Marla's eyes when she realized what we were doing. She said that she could recognize each of us by how we were dancing and it felt like just yesterday she was watching us perform.
Here is a video of the performance, if you are interested in seeing it. Just to give you a heads up, we learned it through YouTube, practiced it a few hours on Friday, had a dress rehearsal on Saturday morning, and performed it that night.
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