Tuesday, July 13, 2010


...HAVING A BABY!! The little one is due February 2, 2011 and we couldn't be more excited!

On May 25th, Craig came home to a house full of pink and blue balloons.  We had just gotten home from a dinner with our community where we found out another couple is expecting a baby in January. (actually twins around Christmas but at the time we just thought there was one!)  He was a little confused thinking that I had bought balloons to celebrate the Smith's pregnancy until he realized I was holding the video camera, the regular camera, and a goofy/tearful grin.

We slowly began telling family and friends and it wasn't until we were able to tell Craig's sister in person this past weekend that we felt like we could post a blog about our exciting news.

This is the picture we attached to friends and family that we weren't able to tell in person.
Our first family shot of all 4 of us!!
Gotta love Craig's sister's excitment when she read our shirts! (She was the only we we were able to caputre when we told them the news)
This is a picture our sweet friends, Jenny and Bekah, took when we told them about Baby 2.
We had our first sonogram and saw the doctor and everything is going great, except for the wonderful nauseousness/sickness/crummy feeling Craig has been feeling as he sympathizes for Julie.

We will keep you posted with more exciting news about the second child in the Wenning household.  Thank you for your prayers as we begin a fun, new journey!


The Penuels said...

YAY!! So happy for you guys!!

Anonymous said...

Love the post & Craig's excitement pic!! Can't wait to meet Baby Wenning! Thanks again for the delicious dinner tonight!!

Self Family said...

JUMPING for JOY and Praising the One who gives all life!! Smiling so much for you today. Yeah for Wenning baby #2. Thanks for sharing the great news!!! Looking forward to seeing that growing belly :-)

Jill Garcia (Smith) said...

Praising the Lord for this precious little life with y'all!! What a blessing!!!!!!!!

Laura said...

Yay!! Congrats to all of you!! So happy for you guys and for your sweet blessing. Our babies will only be three months apart too which is fun :-)

Anonymous said...

Julie- I just saw the comments on FB and now see your blog. I am so excited for you guys.

I love the idea with the balloons!

God is so good, isn't he?


Kristie said...

So fun! Congratulations! If baby wants to come just a couple of days early (say, maybe, January 31st), we'll share a birthday! :)

Holly said...

Congrats Julie! What a fun way to tell craig. Anna was born February 1st and I loved being preggo in the winter. February is a great time of year for a baby! Hope you start to feel better and that I see you soon.