Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Horseshoe Bay Vacay

This is the second annual Horseshoe Bay Vacation with Craig's family.  From Thursday afternoon until Sunday we had a wonderful time with Craig's parents, Craig's sisters and brother-in-laws, and 6 active nieces and nephews.  Our days would consist of lots of swimming, playing in the sand, playing in the quad-plex, visiting, eating, laughing, resting, and so much fun.
Brock, Lucy, Zach, Jack, Luke, and Caleb walking around
With some help from Craig and Aunt Julie Caleb and Ava are now in the cousin picture

MeDad relaxing by the pool (Thanks to you and Mammy we had a great weekend!!)
Beautiful Ava and her Mommy
Brock is such the swimmer
Caleb enjoying sitting on the waterfall
He wasn't quite sure about the sand that would stick to his hands but he warmed up to that fact and loved playing in it.
Daddy's doing! (just like last year)
Cool Shades-Thanks Mimi!
Zachary turned 6 just days before our vacation so we were able to celebrate with him
Uncle Kracker being silly as usual
Lucy is such a big helper and wants to be the mommy to Caleb and Ava-she even chaged a diaper or two
Sweet Cousins: Brock, Lucy, and Zach
Precious Brock tired after a long day
The Cowden Kids: Luke, Lucy, and Jack
Having a Toy Story Pizza Party
Sweet Punkin Ava who is just 6 weeks older than Caleb
4 tired kiddos

Mammy and MeDad, Thanks again for a great vacation and making the weekend such a blast for all of us. 

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