Caleb's third week was fun but pretty uneventful. Except for the new challenges of gas. Hopefully, Craig did not "pass" on the inheritance of his gas to our son. Like father like son!! Sweet Caleb seems to be sleeping through his loud grunts, curling his legs up to his chest, and outcries. Wish we could say Mommy and Daddy are sleeping through it too! This too shall pass and hopefully it is just a growth spurt that he will soon out grow.
We can't believe how quickly our little one has grown. He is more alert, keeps his eyes open more (unfortunately he does not like the flash of cameras- so we have a hard time capturing his sapphire blue eyes.)
We also had fun taking pictures of Caleb while Texas was refusing to lose in the battle against OU. WOW! What a game 45-35 - Hook'Em Horns!!!
The happy grandparent's- Mammy and MeDad
Remember to keep looking at all of Caleb's week 3 pictures on Picasa (YEAH for ME! I figured out how to make a link- Caryn are you proud! Her blog is so cool- what an inspiration!)
OR you can just look at this cool slide show I just figured out how to use- I know, slide shows were so yesterday but I am slow at this blogging thing.
He is SO CUTE!! That first picture is a TON of Craig. Harder to see it in person though. What a cute little guy. By the way - Nice job on the slide show... not really sure how to do that. One day I'll figure it out.
Looks like yall are doing well... let us know if you need anything.
Hey Julie! Congratulations on sweet Caleb. He looks so much like Craig to me. I am glad things are going well.
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