Our sweet, pregnant friend Amy tagged us in her blog, asking for us to list seven random facts about ourself, so here it goes:
* Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
* Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
* Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
1) Craig and Julie met in Las Vegas on February 8, 2002 at a club called The Light in the Belagio. It is a long story, if you ever want to hear it.

2) Julie flew in a plane for the first time when she was 16. Her drill team took a trip to Disney Land. The highlight of the trip was the plane ride!! Ever since, she met Craig in '02 and living long distance, she has not stopped traveling. When Julie was in 8th grade her geography teacher asked where we would want to travel. Julie so badly wanted to fly on a plane, that she said, "I just want to get on a plane and fly all around the world and not stop."

3) Speaking of traveling...Craig and Julie backpacked around Europe in 35 days. We went to 30 cities, 7 countries, and had an amazing experience. Went to Thailand for a month for our honeymoon and traveled around Syndey, Australia and the southern island of New Zealand for two weeks last year. What amazing experiences!!

4) Julie is afraid of car accidents. (Carspashaphobia) She was in a few fender benders about 10 years ago (when she was a young, immature driver) but can see and hear accidents happening in her mind while she is driving. Julie prays everytime she starts her car for the Lord to protect her while she is driving, especially now with precious cargo in the car with her.

5) Julie has had a variety of jobs during her life. 1) selling fireworks every 4th of July and New Years with her family from the age of 9-14 2) janitorial service at her parent's office with her sister and brother ages 11-18 3) lifeguard during the summer at Balcones Country Club 4) hostess during the winter at the same country club during high school 5) pre-drill team teacher at a private school 6) assistant dance teacher 7) bev-cart girl at Falcon Head Golf Course 8)d onating plasma-so it's not a job but Julie got paid for it 9) babysitting 10) secretarial work at TABC 11) 4th grade teacher at Purple Sage Elementary School 12) 3rd grade teacher at Landels Elementary School in Mountain View, California 13) 1st grade teacher at Skaggs Elementary School in Plano 14)4 th grade Math teacher at Skaggs Elementary 15) Class 2 teacher at West Dallas Community School and finally...16) being Caleb's Mommy- the BEST job in the whole wide world!!!

6) Anytime Julie takes a shower in a different or unfamiliar place (like a hotel) she always lifts her toes up and only stands on the ball of her feet. Nor, does she ever, ever touch the drain of a shower. It is strange and unusual but you asked for random facts.

7) Julie loves anything with chocolate and peanuts/peanut butter together. What a great combination. Mr. Goodbars, Reese's, Peanut Butter M&M's, MMMMM....good! Also, with Halloween in the air. Candy Corn and Salted Peanuts are a great combination. Yummy!!

Since it took me so long to publish this post, I am not sure if the friends below have already been tagged. So here I go...I tagging:
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