Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Caleb--4 years old--September 25

Where have the last four years gone?  We often say to each other "We have a Four Year old!"  It is crazy!  Our sweet boy celebrated his fourth birthday and was so excited!  He is in a really fun stage where he says some sweet, funny, witty, loving, words.  Don't get me wrong, he still has a moment here and there but overall he is really sweet. 
Caleb LOVES his brother and enjoys playing with him (they still have a hard time sharing and can be a little rough with one another) but it melts our heart when they play SO well together!
Caleb still loves dressing up in any costume but prefers wearing pajamas.  He often changes clothes the second we get home from being out.
He is a super big helper and loves helping us out
Caleb is just adorable with "his baby sister." The night Avery was born and we told him her name, he said, "Ummm...I think I'll call her Sweet Sweet Petunia" and that he does!  He is so gentle with her, is a big helper, and LOVES to just stare at her, kiss her, and love on her.
One other thing we've been encouraged by is how generous Caleb has become - giving toys to friends and trying to cheer others up when they are down.  Nothing warms our hearts more than seeing him give to others.
Daddy took a few days off to help us out after Avery was born.  Caleb and Daddy had a special day at Adventure Landing together.  They played Laser Tag
Miniature golf, games, and his favorite the race cars!!!
Love these two!
On Caleb's birthday, he woke up to a gift, cards, balloons all over the house, a banner, and all of his favorite foods that he picked out (Cinnamon Rolls for breakfast, a Happy Meal for lunch, and Pizza and Root Beer for dinner- plus ice cream for dessert).  He got his own cape with a Super W on it! 
He loved receiving a card in the mail from Mimi and Papa and it was a singing card which made it all the more special!
He even got to go to school on his birthday and bring Fruity Pebble Treats for his friends
We had to make sure his Super W Cape would help him fly during his dance party!
Blowing out his candle on his birthday ice cream
We love you Buddy, are so proud of what you have become, and pray that you continue to grow into a Godly man! Happy 4th Birthday!

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