Can't believe this little man is almost 1! It just brings a tiny tear to my eye thinking how incredibly fast it has gone by. How truly precious life is and how truly precious the gift God gives us! We forgot to mention last month (or maybe two months ago) Davis began not only clapping (he has done that a while) but clapping on command. It is pretty cute! I am telling him to clap in the picture!

This month Davis went from monkey walking everywhere!!! To Monkey walking with one hand to standing on his own. He can go from squatting to pick something up to standing holding the object. Pretty good balance for a little guy!

We obviously had Davis' first Christmas! Which was so fun!
Also, you will notice in this weeks picture, a nice cute on Davis' face. Sadly, Julie's stubby little finger nails scratched him while picking him up.
The Monday Pictures even travel to Austin with us! I had a crew helping me this week!
Just a few days before Davis' 11 month birthday--he took a few steps!!!!! He started taking a few steps between Mommy and Daddy. Then he would take a few steps if he was holding something in his hands. He is on his way to walking!! Such a big boy growing up too fast!

The whole family is helping
Davis is one happy 11 month old that is soooo close to walking, so close to being weaned, so close to turning 1, so close to getting more teeth, and so much fun to come! Slow down last month as a "Baby!"
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