Thursday, October 6, 2011

September 2011

WOW! What a full month!  We slowly add these pictures in a "work in progress" post and these pictures feel like they were taken ages ago.  It is especially fun to see how much Davis has grown and changed this month, he now is ALL over the place.  And we have a 3 year old in the house!!!

Enjoy these pictures of our month (there are a lot of them):
Caleb is helping in the kitchen
Making silly faces on the drive down to the Ranch for Labor Day
Davis peaking through on the LONG car trip
Ooching at Mammy and MeDad's (not yet crawling at this point but getting around)
Playing peek-a-boo with Mammy
I spy with my little eyes, Davis looking through the table at me
A truck stop in the Hill Country! Love it!
Just a few days before driving to the Ranch, we went on a date night to see Seven Days in Utopia (which was filmed near the Wenning's Ranch), it was fun to drive through the town of Utopia and see some of the same things that were on the big screen.  Here is the beautiful church that was in the movie! Pretty Cool!
Happy Brothers
The day Davis discovered he could stand up in his crib.  We dropped the mattress down a level that night!
It is pretty precious when he stands up and let's his floor fan blow his hair (he looks like a dog with his head out of the car window).  Too bad we would get frustrated that he couldn't lay down once he stood up (but a few hard weeks of learning and now he has it!)
Bed Head after a nice nap! Crazy fluffy hair!
Daddy is working hard on getting the Race Track ready for the birthday party
Caleb wanted Davis to play basketball, so we lowered his basketball goal and look who can already slam dunk!
Clapping his hands
Davis just loves this fan
Standing and playing the piano
Starting cheerios and puffs-pretty yummy!
Aunt Jen put little Faith in Julie's old Annie dress-Precious!
Our little cuddle bug!
Davis is such a HAPPY baby but is beside himself when he is able to stand up and see new things. 
Until next month, which is sure to be another fun-filled adventure!

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