Whew! August came and went in a hurry! We didn't do much but enjoyed the nice quiet time indoors before the busyness of the "school year" starts up. Here is a snapshot of our month in a large nutshell:
These boys LOVE each other. It melts our hearts when Davis will watch every move Caleb does and he thrives with it.
Brock Austin's birth was a great start to the month. Brad, Laura, and big brother Braysen had Brock on August 5th and makes/made our Community Group 11th boy under 6 years old!
I forgot just how tiny these punkins are when they are first born. Welcome to the world precious Brock! Praying for you to be a man of God!
The dressing up continues...We read a book with a Jester in it-so here is our Jester costume!
Then Daddy came home and created this costume. We think Caleb looks like Craig's sister, Kristin, as a little girl!
Caleb is fishing here
Our sleeping bag game is so fun. You just pull each other around on a slippery sleeping bag and the laughs are endless. Davis is finally old enough to join in the fun too.
This is a typical picture-Caleb touching Davis
Davis was enjoying it so much and Caleb was very gentle pulling him around.
We were reading about the Dalmatians so Caleb wanted to try on his first Halloween Costume, a 12 month 102nd Dalmatian. (Check out the link to compare pictures)
"Hang Ten Dude!" as Caleb is a surfer
A superhero with a mask
Caleb dressed up like a pirate next and was making his finger like this and finally I figured out that he wanted a hook on his finger...so...
here is the hook for this pirate
Strong Man
Doing our daily gymnastic
Davis is still loving his food-he even cries when we don't feed him fast enough.

We thought it would be fun to try out a sippy cup
Davis' first few bites of vegetables-he was not a fan at first but likes them now. I wish the camera captured his funny faces those first few bites. It was hilarious!
I like eating veggies now, especially these orange ones!
Davis is up on all fours, rocking, ooching, moving, scootching, but not quite the full on crawl
The count down to school has begun. Next month, Caleb will be going to Graham Cracker Express one day a week from 9-12. It will be his first experience at preschool and he is SO excited! We created a jar to help us count down to the first day of school. Caleb did all the counting and looks forward to his m&m everyday. He is wearing his new backpack and is thrilled about the new experience!
Caleb taking matters in his own hands and dipping his head in the water table to stay cool at Abby's 1st Birthday Party!!
We recently have had the problem with Caleb getting out of bed, grabbing anything he can, going back to bed, and playing during rest time and bed time. This particular night, he grabbed his large jar of lotion and put it ALL over him, head to toe. It was too funny that we laughed, took a picture, and made him upset when we wiped the lotion off, and reprimanded. We will gladly take advice on keeping kiddos in bed and rules around this time.
Uncle Tony road 100 miles in the 109 heat of "Hotter N Hell" bike race. So in honor of his big ride, Caleb wore his cycling shirt and did some laps in the air conditioning.
Our Community Group met at the Galleria for dinner with 8 kids and 8 adults and these precious and amazing Stroller Dads are priceless!
Looking forward to another fun-filled month of our "back to school" activities!
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