What a busy month this little guy has had!! From popping out 4 teeth, now a total of 8 teeth, to learning to stand up in his crib, to quickly needing to drop the crib, to cruising around, to sitting by himself, to full fledged crawling, to crawling to any object and standing up-whew!!!
Davis is an incredibly happy baby and most of the time shows it. But he is just ecstatic when he is standing up. He doesn't stay sitting for long, he prefers to crawl to anything and everything to stand up, then he is REALLY happy. His dismount is needing some work and usually ends up toppling over-it is the cutest when he is in his crib and is so tired yet can't get down to go to sleep. He is learning though!

Ha!! So funny! I put Davis in the same outfit 2 weeks in a row! Oops-I guessed I like this shirt!
He looks like a dog hanging out the window when he stands in his crib because we have a fan that sits on the floor and blows up at him. He drools, laughs, and just lets the wind blow his hair. Too Cute!

Can't believe he is 2/3 of the way to being 1 year old!! It is going too fast and he just melts our heart daily!