We have had such a fun and ACTIVE month for Davis! We went to doctor for his 6 month appointment shortly after his 6 month birthday. He is17 pounds (50%) and 27 3/4 inches (90%). We started giving him vegetables along with his cereal. He was not a fan at first but day 2 was much better. We have forgotten how incredibly messy feeding a baby is. (pictures to follow). He is NOT a fan of peas but LOVES his orange veggies (sweet potatoes and carrots). We are taking trying new foods really slowly. We are just about to hit the yummy fruits. Praying he is a great eater like his big brother was (key word is was).

I thought Davis was "moving around" last month but boy was I wrong. This guy is up in crawling position for a few minutes at a time, rocking, and managing to move quite quickly. We need to baby proof our house pronto! Any suggestions on keeping big brother's tiny toys away from Davis' play area?

At Davis' 6 month appointment Nurse Nancy mentioned that his top row of teeth are ready to bust through. It was amazing how swollen his sweet gums were. Finally, last weekend his 3rd and 4th teeth tore through (literally, he had bloody mouth a few times). He was such a trooper-only gave him medicine once when he woke up. We think the other two will be following suit any day now.
Davis is sitting up pretty well for a few minutes at a time but we are still close by just in case he tumbles over. He still prefers to stand up but sitting is a fun change of pace.
We think Davis has attached to a "Lovey." We call him Skipit! The Penuels gave Caleb this precious lovey when he was born but Caleb never latched on to him. Davis just loves his new friend and burrows his face in it all the time. Then a few weeks ago a friend from church gave Davis this onesie with our pal, Skipit, on it. I was able to squeeze him in the precious outfit for one picture. Too cute!
(We almost forgot to take these Monday pictures this week, so right before dinner at 6:55 we snapped a few quick pictures.)
This is what he does to his friend, Skipit!! Love it! It is becoming quite the challenge taking pictures of Davis, his favorite thing is the blue piece of paper. He is a magnet to that thing! He truly tests our "photography" skills.
Happy 7 months!!!
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