Where did the month go? It was a fun month with lots of transistions, new things (Davis), family, fun, crazy weather, and beautiful weather. Caleb's has grown up so much this month. He has a whole new vocabulary and adds to it daily. Along with making very long sentences. Our little boy is filling the roll of a big brother!!
Here is what we have been doing this month:
Caleb's new favorite thing is to go to the mall and play on the riding toys-he doesn't like them to run but he likes to climb in and out, pretend he is driving, he even brings his keys to the mall. Another fun activity is riding the escalator up and down.
Daddy and Caleb being silly with Mommy's birthday present (a cupcake cake pan)!
Davis' first day home-in his big boy bed!!
All dressed up for our Longhorns!
Caleb's favorite color these days is orange and wears it constantly.
Caleb is "going bye bye"- probably to the mall or church to play ping-pong with the big boys. Notice "his baby Davis" is in the car too.
This is how we spent some of the cold days inside-We brought every pillow in the house and piled them in the living room. It was so much entertainment--we read books, had a picnic lunch, hid, climbed, wrestled, and much much more. (Do you see Caleb peeking through?)
MeDad and Caleb playing golf.
MeDad wearing Caleb's sunglasses.
Caleb has recently become very attached to ALL his stuffed animals and drags them all over the house.
Playing with Mammy
Taking a walk with MeDad- I just love this picture!
Such a big boy on his scooter.
All smiles with Mimi
Special treats from Mimi

It has become a nightly routine for Daddy to pile every animal on top of Caleb. Don't worry he doesn't sleep like this-he moves around way too much!
Mimi took Caleb to the mall and he got to ride the real train-he is loving it!
At MOPS Caleb learned to Listen and Obey! A constant pray and words for our active 2 1/2 year old.
Daddy had a special treat/surprise for no reason!! A date night at home-we enjoyed a yummy lobster. He and Caleb went to pick it out (Caleb didn't so much like seeing it alive, moving around and then cooked and on our plate). But boy was it tasty!!! Thanks Love for a wonderful date night treat!
What a great month with our 2 boys!!
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