Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas 2009

On Christmas Eve morning we headed down to Austin stopping in at Julie's sister's house for our traditional Christmas Eve lunch together. Later that afternoon we went to Julie's parent's church for a candle light service and ended a great day with an incredible meal that Craig's mom made.

We spent Christmas Day with Craig's family celebrating while enjoying another fabulous meal and having a Birthday Party for Jesus. We had a blast playing Wii, laughing together, and eating delicious food.
The Wenning and Cowden Family after a delicious meal (you can tell by our clean plates)

Uncle Kracker entertaining the kids

A little Wii Collage-so fun all ages can enjoy this game

On Saturday, we headed to Georgetown to celebrate Christmas with Julie's family. The weather was remarkable outside and enjoyed watching Uncle Kracker (Craig) create silly games with the kids!!

Uncle Kracker still entertaining the kids

An amazing playscape that Uncle Tony (and his elves) have worked so hard to make it just perfect

Precious Sarah, the Diva, strutting her new Christmas presents (sunglasses, tutu, and dolly)

A little Snuggie moment

Julie's Dad (Papa), we mean Santa, came to visit and poor Caleb did not know what to think of this man!

Our attempt of getting a Cousin picture on Santa's lap

That's better!

Caleb preferred climbing the stairs with the real Papa (and not Santa) during the chaos of opening presents

Sunday we went to church with Craig's sister and headed home. The week was way to fast but what a blessing it is to have both our families in the same city now. Craig's parents were incredible hosts in their little apartment and we are so grateful to have seen so many relatives in a short amount of time.

May the Lord provide lasting joy this year!! Merry Christmas and Happy 2010!!

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