All Julie's Dad has ever talked about is a family camping trip...so we finally bit the bullet and did it. On the weekend of October 23-25 we went camping (yes, in tents) at Bastrop State Park. We actually had a great time and Julie's parents made the weekend very enjoyable. They made it as much like home, comfortable and functional, for us as possible.

We had our 6 year old niece, our 4 1/2 year old nephew, our 2 year old niece, of course our own little 1 year old, and 2 dogs and let us just say the fun was endless. We had 5 tents (3 tents to sleep in and 2 tents for all the stuff we brought). Julie's parents got to the park bright and early on Friday morning to get the best camping spot in the entire park - and that they did. They set up camp all day long and as we all breezed in Friday evening around 7:30-8:00, they had the tents set up, a fire going, the air mattresses blown up, the pack n play ready for Caleb, and a hot bowl of soup ready to eat.

Friday evening it got down into the the 40's and was a little chilly but with plenty of blankets, layers of clothes, and a heater we all were warm enough. Saturday morning we had a big country breakfast with eggs, bacon, sausage, hot chocolate, and a warm fire. We lounged around most of the morning-trying to stay warm. Julie's parents had a tarp and a children's play fence on it so that Caleb and Sarah would have a safe place to crawl and play. Caleb took 2 nice long naps (we joked that he slept better camping than he does at home.)

There were a few injuries during the weekend- 3 bee stings and a head injury. While Julie was feeding Caleb lunch at the picnic table-Caleb leaned over, fell out of his Bumbo chair and onto the concrete slab. It could have been a whole lot worse but just a bump and a few scared people. We are grateful the Lord protected him.

Papa took the big kids fishing and Great-Mimi and Bob drove out for a sandwich. We also took an hour long hike while the babies were taking a nap. It was so fun to see the kids pure enjoyment on this entire adventure.

After the hamburgers and hot dogs we roasted marshmallows and made smores. Everyone slept much better on Saturday night because it was a little warmer (except Julie's parents who ended up on the ground because their air mattress went flat.)

Sunday was a long process for packing up camp (again Julie's parents did the bulk of the work.) We really look forward to doing this again and really appreciate the way Julie's parents made everything so special. Thanks for the memories that will last a lifetime!

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