Finally, we have a moment to sit down and catch up on the crazy amount of blogging we have. Now that Caleb is a big 1 year old we think it would be more manageable to blog as we do certain things as opposed to having one big one once a month. So here we go for some serious blogging!!On Saturday, October 3 we celebrated Caleb's First Birthday with friends and family - John Deere style! Here is the invitation that our sweet friend, Cori, painted.
As the kiddos came in we were able to take their picture on a real John Deere Lawnmower and boy was that fun to climb on a "real tractor."
Here is the birthday boy ready to par-tay!!
On to the cake but first a little kissy kissy from Mommy and Daddy!
Daddy had to help Caleb to realize the sugary delight at his fingertips.
That is better but first Caleb had to feel the texture of the slimy, oooey, gooey icing.
Caleb's friends/babysitters had to help him get messy! (These are 3 of the 11 9th grade girls Julie leads at church).
Now we have a happy camper with icing, a spoon, and all!
The attempt of getting 15 kids in a group picture.
Other cutesy details of the party that Julie went way overboard with but had a blast doing it all. We had a "Watering Trough" for bottled water, "Moo Juice" with milk for the kiddos (or adults), "Pony Rides" with a few stick ponies, "The Garden" for the kids to shovel, rake, and plant things, a "Farm Yard" a pack-n-play for the little farmers, and "Tractors for Tots" including an electronic John Deere Tractor Thanks Mimi and Papa!), a few sit-n-scoot toys (Thanks Mammy and MeDad!), a push car, and multiple other toys for the kids to play with. The entertainment was endless with the kids' imaginations.
Here is a picture of the "Grazing Grounds" with "Livestock" (Animal Crackers), "Pigs In A Blanket," "Haystacks," a "Fruit and Vegetable Garden," "Cow Chips and Dip" (Potato Chips), "Farmer's Favorites" (with a few of Caleb's favorite things- goldfish, Gerber puffs, cheerios, and raisins), and Southern "Sweet Tea."
Happy Trails, Until We Meet Again!!