Crazy how another month has gone by. Here we are with an 11 month old!!! We were talking about how this time last year we didn't have a clue what our little guy would look like, his little personality, his mannerisms, his voice, and all the love that he would bring into our lives. Every day is a true blessing and Caleb fills our life with so much joy, we can't even put into words all the emotions.

This has been a busy month at the Wenning household. We started the month with Caleb's 4th little surgery. It was a quick day surgery to scrape out the extra tissue in his urethra. Caleb did great and bounced back really quickly from the anesthesia but he had a rough couple of days getting back to himself. We go in to see the urologist on September 1st and are praying to hear a positive report that we are all done with surgeries.

Other activities that filled our days have been Stroller Skating, Spray Parks, Swimming, and enjoying meals with friends. All of which have been a blast and it is possible that Julie enjoyed it more than Caleb, especially the Stroller Skating that brought back so many childhood memories of skating in for hours and hours.

Last weekend, Mimi and Papa came up to Dallas to keep Caleb while Craig and Julie went to the lake with the Student Ministry Leaders for relaxation, time with the Lord, and lots of fun in order to help prepare us for the upcoming year pouring into our students. Which by the way they are big 9th graders, can't believe how fast they are growing up!!!

Caleb is not "crawling" quite yet but he is getting around in his own way. Every few days he has new noises, sounds, and looks. His latest thing is to shake his head with a big ole' grin and also squinting his eyes with a huge smile. Speaking of smiles, Caleb got his 5th tooth (the bottom right). We love playing with Caleb in new and creative ways- the above picture just so happened to be in a tiny book box and the below picture is of his wild and crazy rock star hair. (Caleb could use another haircut but it is just too fun.)

To see more pictures of the month click
here and we will see you next month as we celebrate 1 special year of life!
How can he look EXACTLY like BOTH of you?? But he does! What a doll.
He gets cuter everyday!!! :)
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