We are sorry that it has been so long since our last update. We have had a busy past month from Caleb's surgery to his recovery to doctor's appointments to Christmas and so much more. Well, it is hard to believe our little guy is now 3 months old (or 13 weeks old or 91 days old or 2,184 hours old or...well, you get the picture). We are writing this post when Caleb is 104 days old, we are reminded of a sweet video called,
99 Balloons. What a great reminder of the gift of life.
If you have already watched the video, you can understand why it is hard to even mention Caleb's growth and development. At his "2 month appointment" (which was really 2 1/2 month appointment because of his surgery) he was weighing in at a whopping 14 pounds and 25 inches long (95% and 97%). Caleb did so well with his immunizations, he is a real trooper. Poor little guy has been through so much.
He is becoming quite the entertainer. He has the most precious open mouth grin and loves to laugh, giggle, squeal, and yes, he still has toots (no these are not little toots they are full fledge man farts.) Daddy is so proud of his flatulent son!
Go Tigers!! Maybe he likes UT orange better - notice the old man face...
Yep, that's my pho-hawk. Not a toupee...
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