Many of our friends are popping out babies left and right. We recently met two friends that are new to the world, sweet Dayton and Ade. It amazes us how much difference there is in just 3 months. They both seemed so tiny, so fragile, and so new to the world. It is hard to believe Caleb being that small and it is even harder to believe that he was only there 3 months ago. There are so many changes that happen everyday.
Speaking of changes...Caleb loves his feet, he has fun new noises everyday, and he is sleeping ALL the way through the night (7 pm to 7 am.) We feel like we are always saying this, but Caleb is in such a fun stage. He is always happy, cheerful, has a big ol' gummy smile, and adores playing with his daddy.
During the past month we also went back to the urologist for a post-op appointment. We found out that Caleb will most likely have another surgery before the year ends. There is another potential blockage along the ureter, on the bladder-side (his surgery last month was along the kidney side.) He is taking a laxative daily and we will return to the urologist on March 9 for another check-up. We will hopefully know more at that time but are just praying for God's miraculous hands to heal this little body.
We wake up everyday and feel like its Christmas morning. We get the same excitement walking into Caleb’s room as we did when we were kids racing to find presents under the tree. We can’t wait to see what new expressions Caleb will have each day and to share the many laughs he brings. (We know Christmas has been over for a month know but we are still holding on to the joy the Christmas season brings.)
See more of Caleb's photos