Sweet Davis John is 3 years old!! Can't believe how big he is getting. Where has the time gone?
Davis has an infectious smile that melts my heart
He has a silly side where he like to dress up, he is in a pajama phase where he changes into jammies if we are home, and is particular about what he wears and when he wears it. Such a sweet boy!
Davis is so friendly (and usually shy if it is someone new)
He is a great big brother. We often pray that he will be a protective, caring, and loving brother.
These two are the best of buds (and the worst of enemies at times)
Davis loves all things balls, sports, athletic gear. We may be biased but we think he has great form for a little guy.
Avery just adores her big brother
On Davis' big day at school, it was also Scooter Day-what fun!
Davis' Birthday morning with balloons, streamers, banners, and presents
Caleb went to the store with Daddy and picked out something special for his brother
and it did not disappoint (either of them)
More presents
Fun cards
Precious Birthday Boy with Bed Head and all
A "new" to us big boy bike
balloon fun
Breakfast of choice: Cinnamon Rolls
Lunch of Choice: A Happy Meal
Daddy took the afternoon off and we took the boys to Adventure Landing. It was a beautiful day and we had so much fun!
Laser Tag
Puttin' Boys
Davis was tall enough to drive his own car but he didn't quite have the strength to turn the wheel (luckily he loved just sitting in the race car)
Shootin' Hoops
Loved our fun time and loved that Daddy was with us too
Came home to his dinner of choice: Papa John's Pizza
Sweet Davis...we love you SO (Snow) much! You are so happy, encouraging, loving, grateful, sweet, and precious 3 year old. We pray you grow up to be a God-fearing young man. Happy Birthday Sweet Davis!