Saturday, January 25, 2014

Missing Pictures

In the process of trying to catch up on all these blog updates, I found some pictures that were hidden and didn't make it in their original post.  So enjoy these random pictures from October and November

Cuddles with Daddy after bath

Fun times with Daddy and one of his many games he plays with the boys.  This is my new favorite picture!

Ready, Set...

Wahoo! I did it!
Playing with a can of silly string

Halloween Pictures-the turtle is getting the monkey 
The turtle began to walk 

Before Trick or Treating 

This was the Turtle's Seat  
The boys had so much fun! 
Last attempt of all three of them 
Davis and his candy that he organized 

Friday, January 24, 2014

Ice Days 2013

 The Friday after Thanksgiving we got hit with an Ice Storm.  I know these pictures of our yard looks like snow but it was frozen solid ice.  Caleb played for hours and hours.  He would go play outside tinkery around by himself.  It was amazing the creativity he came up with.
Davis kept saying, "My first snow!!" (Because his first real one was the days around his birth).  The ice brought out the sillies in Davis
We bundled Avery up a few times in her brother's jacket (because her jackets wouldn't fit over her splints)
Love these 4!
And this is how most of her time was spent, watching her brothers play outside
Her first marshmellow
Avery and Davis have a sweet game, where he shares his blanket with his sister and she just giggles
We went to the park and had some more fun on the ice
The slide was a blast
Our family selfie!

Silly Monkeys

In their ski gear

Love this silly boy

Beautiful ice on the plants

This is a cool picture...Craig is looking at the weather on his phone and it says 27 degrees with a look of disgust that we are out in it.

More silly boy

A LOT of entertaining indoors
Avery giving hugs and kisses

And she is off with Davis' blanket
Sweet Ice Bunnies
We lost power for about 3 hours in the middle of the night on Thursday, we just put extra blankets on the kids and the heat was back on by the time we all woke up on Friday morning.

But then, on Friday night, as we were getting the kids to bed, we lost power again and this time it was for 20 LONG hours.  We bundled up, put the stuff from the fridge outside, and kept warm with layers of clothes, hats, gloves, and tried to keep them all entertained.  All Caleb wanted to do was go outside and play but we wouldn't let him because there was no way for him to come in and get warm.

We decorated our Gingerbread House and had so much fun. 
The finished product-side 1
Side 2 
Just as the power went out on Friday night, Caleb lost his second tooth.  Surprisingly, the tooth fairy was still able to make it to our house in the ice and with no power!!!
Avery got a kick out of Daddy's Bert House Slippers and tried to kiss them
It was a happy, happy hour/evening when the power came back on.  To have hot water, warm food, heat, charged phones, and so much more!! All those little things that we take for granted -- what a blessing to have electricity!! It was a fun weekend and we made some great memories!